[HTML] Loops's Comments

is there any way to make it smaller?

There is a way to make the loop(s) smaller, but if the proportions are maintained, it introduces a scroll bar into the side that looks a little odd. If that's fine with you, all you have to do is find the snippet of code that reads: 

<div class="card rounded-circle p-4 mx-auto" style="text-align:center; height:600px; width:600px; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/SDmC4ci.jpg) top center no-repeat; background-size:cover;">

You'll change the 600 that I've bolded to another number, probably something like 500 ~ 400 or so. In addition to changing that, you'll also want to change the inner circle to match, to do so you'll find this code right below the code above:

<div class="card rounded-circle mx-auto" style="width:75%; height:400px; padding:45px;max-height:600px;overflow:auto;">

You'll want to change the height to something smaller than the height listed above (or, if you want it to look like a big O instead of how the proportions look as is, you can keep it the same as the above numbers. You might play around to see what I mean, it doesn't look bad it just looks different). For the max-height, it needs to be the same as the height in the code above.

I hope that makes sense! ^^

Can I please get the code for this?

Code should be available in a tab in the menu to the left! I'm at work right now but I can link it properly once I get home if you need it.

Thank you I figured it out :)