Soda's Comments

anyone in my TH ? ( hunter, me real, fanta, frank and gryffin are off-limits! ) i can do multiple if needed <33

all three? i can do them ^^


srry for late reply, theyre pending now!

no worries tysm for tading


Anyone on my th wahhh

whomst offlimits


Mains huehuehue

loved the tbn kiddie in secondary nd poppy :]


I’m suuuper tentative with the tbn kiddo but I’d definitely transfer poppy!

can i think on it :3?  since balloo has more art and all tehe

6 Replies

Do you take trades?


Dose anyone in my th interest you? If not I could give art maybe!

no one interested me!

What about art?

nty :(

2 Replies

If it's okay to offer, how much would you be looking for in $?

I would say around 15$ ^^ but i am Open to haggle around it

Also Open for chars or customs

I could do $15!

:,00n! I can’t accept money due to my pp being wack - do you have any oc offers though? Anybody here? Otherwise do you accept points?