
4 years, 7 months ago


Before you read anything else on this page, I made Popcorn at the tail-end of 2018/the very start of 2019. This was when I was in the middle of researching the furry community to form my own opinion on their customs and culture. My art was also in a "transition" stage at the time, so much of my art during that time period looked off in some way be it anatomically or stylistically because my body was in the middle of updating my art style based on new information and drawing methods. Just being exposed to the furry community helped me improve my art quite a lot! Seeking out tutorials, learning new things, drawing whatever came to mind, I felt a joy that I thought I lost long ago for a good while during my stay, and it gave me hope that I'll be able to reconnect with it permanently sometime in the future. For that, furries have my respect even though I don't consider myself to be one of them.

Ok, enough sappy stuff, let's talk about Popcorn.

One of the terms I saw tossed around a lot while researching the furry community was "dutchie." Curious about it, I decided to dig deeper to find that it was a common term used to refer to Dutch Angel Dragons, an original species by Ino inspired by her late horse, Dutch. After reading practically every page on the official website (including ALL of the lore and design guidelines), I really enjoyed the concept and wanted to make my own! It's an open species, so nothing was really stopping me from making one, as long as I followed the guidelines. After much consideration and triple-triple-checking, I ended up making Popcorn, which is based on my favorite snack of the same name! I ended up drawing Popcorn for a good while after creating him before getting so distracted with other things that I kinda just. forgot about him for a while. In the end, I don't think I'll use Popcorn for anything story-related for at least a good, long while yet, so he gets to hang out with me in my void when he's not visiting the higher plane of existence that he lives in, lore-wise. ❤

Fun Facts: The faint yellow markings in Popcorn's design is the butter that usually goes on popcorn, while the brown is the kernel shell that gets left behind (and stuck in your teeth) after making it pop into popcorn. I love Popcorn, I just don't think about him as often as my other characters. ...Yes, all that ear floof is necessary.

Below is the information about the character that you need to know:

  • Full Name of Character: Popcorn
  • Nickname(s) (if any): This character currently has no nicknames.
  • Species: Dutch Angel Dragon
  • Character's Gender/Pronouns: Species is genderless; He/Him pronouns
  • Character's Age: N/A
  • Character's Height: 6' when bipedal, average horse height when feral
  • Character's Weight: N/A
  • Character's Powers (if any): Thought about giving him powers based on the options available to me, but decided to not give him any powers besides the ones all dutchies have by default
  • Summary of Character's Personality: Sweet and fluffy, like his name would suggest. Energetic and always happy to help. Tends to hoard empty Tic-Tac boxes...? Favorite sounds are popcorn when it pops, boiling butter, and purring/meowing from cats
  • Relationship(s) with my other OCs: None