Mother Nature



4 years, 7 months ago



Rosé-Anne Greenfield 




She is 31 yo during "Days of Future Past" in 1973




The X-Men (full-time) 

She sometimes teams up with the Fantastic 4 or the Avengers, but only if it's vital to her mission. 


Botanokinesis (plant manipulation) 

Ergo-Ecokinesis (natural energy manipulation) 

She uses ergo-ecokinesis to heal herself, but it also boosts her botanokinesis. The ergo-ecokinesis has created a link between her and the planet, which means that she is immensely affected by her surroundings. Any sudden weather changes will take a toll on her, therefore she could easily lose against someone with weather manipulation abilities. 

(Little fun fact: she can also talk to plants.) 



This one is a side effect of being eco-ergokinetic. When near polluted areas, her powers shut down completely, she starts feeling weak and if there is direct contact between some not so eco-friendly substances and her skin, it may leave permanent damage. 

Lack of agility 

Her emotions have a major impact on her powers 


Due to her traumatic past and the abuse she went through, Rosé is not a people's person most of the time. It is very difficult for her to completely trust people, even Charles Xavier with whom she's really close. She's always second guessing everyone's intentions. On the outside she's a tough cookie who puts on the facade of someone who doesn't care much about others, but on the inside she just doesn't want to be hurt again by those close to her and cares about some people and would do anything to protect them.


Rosé was born and lived in Washington D. C. and was supposedly the only child of an important scientist and CEO who claims to research on mutants, more specifically baby mutants, in order to protect them. People always made comments on the fact that the mother and daughter don't resemble each other and the little girl always assumed that she looked like her father. As years passed, she realized that her mother's company used baby mutants to give normal humans powers which are used with evil intentions. Upon realizing that, when she was 12 years old, Rosé ran away from home and never returned. Since then she has lived a great part of her life homelessness in an abandoned underground bunker and helping young mutants migrate to other countries through a secret mutant group. During her homeless years, she came across a baby French buldog she later on called Mozarella because it loved pizza a lot. 

During the events of "Days of Future Past" in 1973, Rosé was present at the ceremony when Nixon unveiled his Sentinels and ran into Charles Xavier, Erik, Logan, Hank McCoy and Mistique for the first time. She immediately saw them all as mutant terrorist due to the chaos Erik has caused. Rosé tried her best to shelter and help evacuate as many innocent people as she could. A few months after the events, Charles Xavier tracked her down in attempt to recruit her. It took many tries, but she eventually gave in. A "school" for mutant children sounded like a plausible cover-up story for the experiments conducted on young mutants by her mother's facility, which made her believe that Charles was part of that as well. Her plan was to take down the mutant terrorist group she thought Charles to be leading, but upon finding out how wrong she was, she decided to stay for good and brought a few mutant children she protected with her. She tried to convince her entire group to come with her, but not so many have agreed.

As she got to spend more time with Charles, they both grew closer and closer to each other and they started dating. 

A few years passed since she joined the X-Men when she figured out how to stop her mother. When she arrived at the lab, her entire life fell apart as she realized that her "mother" wasn't her natural mother, but just a woman so obsessed with baby mutants that she decided to kill a woman who just gave birth to a mutant child and fed her mutant father lies and empty promises until she eventually killed him as well. In the process of killing Rosé's father, the scientist injured baby Rosé, injury which made her incompatible with the experiments, event which lead the scientist into adopting the poor child. 

Seeking revenge for herself, for her parents and for those poor souls tortured during those experiments, Rosé killed the scientist, ruined her life-long research and freed the children, to which Charles agreed that it were for the best to bring them to his school.