
Gender: Female
Age:  4,000+ (Born in 2171 BC)
Birthday: February 4th
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Purple
Tail Color: Blue
Sexual Preference: Straight
Loves: Water, wheat
Hates: Drought, famine


   Born into a farming family, she had a pretty average life, getting taught by her mother, her father working the farm, and her siblings joining her as well. Sadly, everything changed rapidly once there was a lack of water. Soon, they had no food and no water to drink.

   Soon, the drought was taking a hold on her family, first the father, then the siblings, and then her mother, leaving her all alone to her eventual fate. Soon, she was crawling and having a hard time breathing.

   In her final hours, the pharaoh saw her laying on the ground, looking like she was about to die. So, he summons his genie to change her into an enslaved genie. She was grateful for this, but then reality set in when she was in a bottle and taken inside the palace. Soon, she was forced to dance and serve her new master.

   When he died, there was a new pharaoh in power and discarded the genie bottle outside of his palace. She was then taken all over the world, hating being a genie more and more. Now all she wants is to become human again, an finally take a sip of that water she originally desperately needed.