
4 years, 7 months ago


Ex-kumo ninja, turned yakuza boss. Helps smuggle information to Otogakure, but has no loyalty. she prefers to deal in cold, hard cash.

Ursula (surname unknown):

Wishes to fight: Unknown

Favorite food: Wine and raspberry chocolates

Least favorite food: Instant foods and soda

Favorite word: Rich


Entered Academy: Age 4

Graduated to Genin: Age 12

Promoted to Chuunin: Age 13

Promoted to Jounin: Age 17

Weapons of Choice: Words, wit, and some good ol' electricity

Completed missions (total, including criminal activities): 69

D: 43

C: 12

B: 3

A: 8

S: 3


Childhood: Ursula was raised in a strict, militaristic home in the upper tier of Kumogakure. Her father was a police officer, a Captain, who adhered strictly to the rules and regulations of the village, and enforced them almost religiously. More so, he had a rigid idea of what was good and bad in life, and taught these ideas to his family as law. Schedules, responsibility, uniformity, neatness--all were taught with all the grace and warmth of a drill sergeant. "You'll have to deal with this when you're grown up," was a phrase Ursula heard regularly.

Academy: Her father was the one who truly wanted her to be a shinobi, because it was a noble profession. Ursula Followed her dad's instruction and joined the Academy, but only to get out from under his thumb. Already blessed with an affinity for illusions, she wound up creating her own genjutsu to get out of trouble. She experimented with weaving chakra with her words while making excuses, to see how long it would take people to realize she was lying through her teeth.

Genin: Ursula was assigned to a team at the average age, and quickly made a habit of using her genjutsu to excuse showing up late, mooching off her teammates, and other bad behavior. Her sensei got wise quickly and reported the behavior to the proper authorities. Her abilities were viewed with skepticism or interest, but she managed to avoid both, being so young and novice, not considered a great threat or a great asset. And her father was only ever concerned about her performance, so as long as she made good grades and didn't fail her missions, Ursula could keep him off her back.

Chuunin: Ursula passed the Chuunin Exams with little to no combat whatsoever. She saw the cheating contest coming, sweet-talked her way into getting the scroll, and literally shocked her opponent in the combat rounds. Though she didn't win the duel, and Orochimaru's attack on the Leaf interrupted the remaining rounds, Ursula was promoted easily by Kumo's elders.

Jounin: She was promoted to jounin just before the outbreak of the Fourth Great War. She dreamt of a life of wealth and luxury during the Infinite Tsukiyomi, and after waking up, she decided life was too short not to get what she wants. She abandoned Kumo and went to the capitol of flashing lights and gambling in the Land of Hot Springs, Kagayaku. With her genjutsu, she drew support, fame, and authority. With her skill in subtle genjutsu, she could scam almost anybody out of anything. She used her talents to accumulate money and comforts, and eventually became infamous as one of the best scam artists in history.

She's approached by Orochi No Su for funding and her influence in the underworld. She joins out of boredom and curiosity.

Ursula can weave subtle genjutsu using silver words alone. This has made her an excellent con artist, and leaves her able to worm her way just about anywhere she wants.

Her dream is to live in perpetual comfort and luxury.

She doesn't see the need for a summon, or for much aid from anybody. If something proves too difficult to acquire, she'll give up and go home before she asks for help.

She doesn't like 'kids', but has a soft spot for Roku and Kagami as her pupils.

Ursula is an anti-villain who will do good or bad things, so long as it benefits her own goals.