Mari Yoshida-Garcia



4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Mari Yoshida-Garcia || Yoshida Shojiki (芳田正直)


female (she/her)




September 22nd | VIRGO


5'0" | 1.52m


120lbs | 54.4kg





Name: Mari Yoshida-Garcia || Yoshida Shojiki (芳田正直)
Called: Mari
Age: 16
Gender: she/her
Origin: New York City, NY
Race: Latina-Japanese
Birthday: September 22nd
Alignment: Lawful-Neutral
Status: we vibin'
Likes: flan, knives, cursed memes
Dislikes: authority, celery, train fires

Mari Yoshida-Garcia, general rebel and UA Hero Course student, sliding into a record store near you! She's not sure what she wants to do in life just yet, but she's going to be pointing herself in the general direction of justice and community work. Or so she hopes, but let's see where life takes her, yeah?

In any case, she's an exceptional student, dilligent in her work because what she fears more than failing and law enforcement is the crushing existential dread inherent within reality. I jest.



Mari is easily described as a sassy and mischievous individual. She has a daring streak the size of the Washington Monument, but not the common sense or fear to back it up. As a result, Mari easily dives into bad situations but she can get out of them with some work. Her luck is nothing to sneeze at, since she has luckily only gotten away with a healthy sense of what’s actually dangerous -- though whether it is heeded or not is a different question altogether.

On top of her daring streak, Mari sports a good amount of wisdom, built from experience, being able recognize fights she wouldn’t touch with a stick from miles away and an affinity for reading people and emotions to a certain extent. In the ways of romance, she lacks any experience and does scoff a bit at couples.

She staunchly stands for her ideals, which is a mix of what her dad has instilled in her about his profession and of what injustices her friends and her family has experienced. Knowing that society, especially since the advent of quirks, is deeply unequal on many levels, Mari does strive to be a better and more understanding person. She hasn’t realized that her sense of what’s right and just doesn’t line up with others -- and that her mischief is also a subversion of the justice she strives for in some respects.



Mari is able to use physical arrows to boost her speed and to change direction. These arrows can be anything from sculptures to hastily constructed paintings on the road as long as they are tangible. The speed and direction are dependent on the size and quality of the arrow.

In order to use her quirk, Mari must first touch an arrow to activate it, which consumes energy, and then touch it again in order to use the boost. Once an arrow is “activated,” anyone can touch it in order to receive the boost, but only one boost is possible per activation. Moreover, Mari can stack boosts, which are multiplicative, by touching multiple arrows in quick succession.

Another aspect of the quirk is the direction change, which locks the person affected by a quirk into a specific direction for a minimum of five seconds, depending on the length of the arrow. They are unable to deviate from their current path while locked, but can take any form or pose they wish.

Overuse of her quirk results from too many activations done at once It can result in extreme fatigue and vertigo in the short term, and muscular dystrophy in the long term since the quirk can consume muscle if Mari does not have enough energy to activate an arrow. Also as a result of the fatigue and vertigo from overuse, Mari can also experience increased clumsiness and decreased reflexes. To get around this, Mari can stockpile multiple arrows and use them as needed, since once activated, the arrows remain that way for up to two weeks. She also eats a ton of food to maintain energy stores for her quirk.


Mari grew up in a small apartment in Brooklyn. While the apartment was small, her family lived comfortably off the combined salaries of a professional hero and a social worker, with some hard patches here and there due to the economy. She often got up to mischief with her friends -- eventually forming an artistic collective in the later years of middle school. Both of her parents were busy, leaving her best friend’s grandma to practically look after her and the other troublemakers if they ever got back from school early. Her parents do take the time and effort to make sure that the family was together during the weekends and holidays.

In school, Mari kept up easily with the sciences and mathematics, but she loved English class and would often hang out at either the neighborhood community center where there was a decent library or make the trip out to the New York Public Library out in the heart of Manhattan to read books. However, she mostly didn’t take school seriously, coasting through elementary and middle school with decent grades.

After middle school, Mari’s mother’s parents fell ill, prompting her mom’s return to Japan. Mari came along since she was inspired to become a hero because of her father’s work and had heard about U.A. and Shiketsu’s distinguished reputations. She applied and somehow scraped together a good enough score on the practical exam to make it into U.A.

The art collective that Mari is part of is informally known as [cnstlltn] and has an actual presence online. They mainly organize large murals in conspicuous places but have moved on to other ventures, such as fashion shows and music-related stuff since most of the group is scattered.


Marcos Rose-Garcia | Father

Marcos is an amicable but overworked father. His quirk is [Ink Walls], which allows him to project semi-solid walls of ink or paint from lines found on surfaces, such as the median lines on a road or graffiti on building walls. He used his quirk a lot in his pro-hero work, often to get over buildings quickly or to block fleeing villains, but his work eventually put a lot of strain on both his body and mind so he retired and went to law school to become a public defender/criminal lawyer. He is fabulously busy and Mari remembers that he would come home late all days of the week before zooming back to work early the morning after. Despite this, Marcos has a tendency to spoil her and often tried to take Mari along with him whenever he visited his former agency.

He's currently in the United States since his job is demanding and he can't be easily pulled away to Japan. He adores it when Mari and Amaryllis comes back to visit during long holidays such as Thanksgiving and Easter.

Amaryllis Yoshida | Mother

Amaryllis is jokingly referred to as the "tiger mom" of the family, though it's not for nothing. Knowing about Marcos’s laissez-faire approach to parenting, she imposed somewhat strict curfews on Mari and made sure that she did well in school. Mari knew the exact distance to when a rule would be broken, but Amaryllis didn't mind as long as she didn't get into legal troubles. Moreover, she's quirkless, a subject of touchiness for Mari. Amaryllis is a capable social worker, handling post-operation cases from hero agencies with ease, especially in regards to families, children, and even villains.

Amaryllis is actually living in Japan at the moment, making sure that Mari actually goes to school. She's secretly proud that Mari got into UA, even though she does not publicly agree with the decision.




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