Quinn Kelly



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Quinn Kelly. Sometimes called Q or Kelly if ve is feeling girly.

Teacher or Student?: Student

Age: 17

Gender: Agender, uses ve/ver/vis/verself

Species: Glashtyn, a sea-dwelling Manx human-horse shapeshifter. Ve shapeshifts into a black horse, as per vis race, and can breathe under water. Unfortunately, no matter how hard ve tries to shapeshift back into a human, ve will always have horse ears instead of human ones.

Sexuality: Pansexual. Maybe in a relationship? We'll see

Personality: Being with Quinn is like like being in the presence of the sun. Ve's joy for life is sure to blind you (and maybe rub off on you). Quinn's natural state is love, and ve does ver best to convey that with frequent compliments and hugs for all (unless you don't like hugs. Quinn respects your space). Ve will do ver best to make sure everyone feels happy and welcome

For all of Quinn's natural kindness, ve is inconstant and flighty, ver moods changing with the tides. Sometimes ve is even too nice ( I know, what a great flaw lmao), and refuses to tell the truth if ve thinks it has even a minuscule chance of hurting someone's feelings. Quinn will encourage you, but go somewhere else for the truth. Ve's easily hurt by the comments of others and has a hard time taking even well-meaning and tempered criticism.

Quinn's natural mode of conversation is flirting; so natural is it that ve sometimes doesn't even know ve's doing it.

Likes: (Marine) Biology, Maps, horses, warm island-y vacations

Dislikes: Cold weather and ice, Bears (very scary), spicy food
