


4 years, 7 months ago


(Link to FR here)

Name meaning: 'Doorway, Opportunity'

Pronouns: They/She

Miiraad spent their childhood with their father Monah, a librarian in the Sunbeam Ruins. For a while they thought they would follow in their father’s footsteps and caretake the library when they grew up, but it did not take long for Miiraad’s magical abilities to become apparent. They were Lightning-aligned, much to the surprise of Miiraad, who believed they were born in the Light domain. Monah was overjoyed and proud of Miiraad’s magical prowess, but was acutely aware that he would not be a very good teacher for a mage, so decided to tell Miiraad about their father Lahaak, who lived on the border between the Lightning and Light domains.

Enchanted by stories of Lahaak’s curiosity for magic and aptitude for spells, Miiraad asked if they could venture to his home and become his apprentice. Monah was sad to see them go, but of course wanted only the best for them, and knew they would thrive with the proper instruction. So, when they were still very young, Monah took Miiraad in the direction of the Lightning domain, not quite sure how to enter the limbo between worlds and find the Tavern - but of course, anyone at a crossroads in their life as Miiraad was is easily able to find it.

When they arrived, Lahaak was of course surprised to find out that he had a child, but overjoyed that they wanted to become his apprentice. It was a tearful farewell between Miiraad and Monah, but Monah felt that his time had come to devote his service to the Lightweaver, and was relieved that Miiraad would have someone to care for them and give them better opportunities to develop as a mage.

Nowadays, Miiraad can be found studying in the Tavern’s expansive library, out training with Lahaak to refine their particular style of Lightning magic, or inside with Lahaak’s partner Smoliin trying to learn illusion spells. Most of their magical creations are rather… caustic… but with the help of Shulkun they have been working hard to create ones that could help patrons of the Tavern. Recently, they have been working with their good friend Geinkiin to create an exhibit of magically-attuned flora and fauna found in the limbo between worlds. It has been rather dangerous finding specimens, but they both revel in the challenge - especially now that they have the protection of their friend Sen, whom Miiraad has developed quite a crush on.