The Pathologist



4 years, 7 months ago


div class="fr-spoiler"> -After Cronai loses the fight with Dregen, Pierze still shows worry and compassion to Cronai, he doesn’t understand why But is a massive dick about it -Anrona & Dregen help Pathy fix her hands - Despite being hurt Pathy tries to help the other trolls however Anrona steps in and stops her from helping and instead takes over for her while Pierze tells her what to do Cronai goes looking for Pathy, but Dregen forbids it - instead Cronai leaves a gift at her hive. While she is cautious and confused she accepts the gift anyway 

Multiface is introduced after she hears rumours of a mutant blood helping the low bloods. - Ulvaax (her matesprit) accompanies her 

I'm thinking of having the descendants help the ancestors (Pathy, Opaque, sage etc) they help reunite them so they can finally rest in peace.


The Contender was happy for Opaque when he first met Pathy but TwoFace didn’t like her cause she knew something was off about her (Remember Pathy was introduced as an indigo), So she got Contender against Pathy and Opaque Then she fought Pathy briefly, found out she was a sea dweller and then told Contender. Opaque wanted to kill her off for knowing too much then Contender caught wind of this. Contender was protecting his matesprit Then Contender was angry at his Moirail for lying to him when TwoFace caught wind of the rebellion she wanted to take care of the problem then report to the current heiress at the time - to lure her into a trap and kill her off for good. 

(Referring to opaque and contender I think?)

Idek if we could call it a rivalry - I feel like Pathy would be mostly oblivious to it Cause she’s be so tied up in her research. I think Pathy would be very thankful that Opaque would get involved in her research and the rebellion.  The rivalry between storm and Opaque. Where Storm is trying to protect Pathy but Opaque is trying to be a good matesprit - I feel like only Storm would kick up a fuss and try to convince her that Opaque is bad, Storm didn’t trust the Contender. But they knew they needed him alive for the rebellion 

When Pathy is in the city looking after the lower bloods she’s disguised as a blue blood. So when Pathy attacks the Double face and claws at Pathy (doing some serious damage to her face) she sees her fuchsia blood and immediately tells the Contender, who confronts his moirail on it, thinking he either didn’t know or was hiding it. He was hiding of course, cause having others knowing could put her in serious danger - Pathy doesn’t kill the DoubleFace. After she was scratched and saw she was bleeding she panicked and ran - The Opaque killed her for knowing too much, This didn’t come without consequences of course - The Opaque would have been extremely angry at his matesprit for not only attacking a purple blood, but not actually finishing the job, He for a short time had no idea who she attacked. So when he found out he was angry, But The double face in the mean time would have been doing her own research So she found out about the Storm and his colour, So she told the Contender Who told the empire. Opaque had to clean up his matesprits mess, and kill the double face. His moirail didn’t know it was him, but he had his suspicions.

Pathy and the Opaque died while the two were in an argument Contender takes her knife during the fight and kills her with it, he shanks her and uses her blood for his church in his final moments, before Storm comes by and kills him. After the Contender killed the Opaque She went to fight the Contender with the goal of losing.

Their beliefs in the messiahs are like their oxygen, Without their faith they can get quite confussed and depressed, which in turn can make them a lot more violent. They can be easily manipulated by sea dwellers. Which is a big reason they hate them. Depending on the troll they either treat their slave like a friend or with disdain Hell if Kath had to maybe he’d even disguise Belize as a lower blood so no one knew she was there. I feel like fuschias would be immensely hated and feared What if in the time when Storm was alive, Limebloods weren't being eradicated, but were opressed by the highbloods, but the genocide was triggerd by Storm killing the Contender  

 Storm was one to stir up trouble - he would often talk smack to the contender and opaque to stir them up. Storm (being a lifeblood) often presented a challenge to the two and became quite the trouble maker, even before the rebellion. 

 When the Opaque and Pathy first meet she was originally trying to defend a bronze blood But she stepped aside after he’d threatened her - after watching his death she was left with the feeling of guilt and regret. He’d be after the Storm now and after seeing the terrible condition Storm was in and realising he was in no condition to defend himself, she wouldn’t let the same situation happen again, let alone to a troll that was so kind and accepting of her, let alone now having the knowledge she may be stronger than the purple bloods (due to her blood colour) she’d stand up for him.  opaque would be very brutal and intimidating - Pathy typically a push over and she’d be terrified of The opaque, who would automatically result to violence 

Opaque: "Aren't ye that loime bloke erryones tolkin' abou'?"

Storm: "Depends who's askin'" 

Opaque: "Well how abou' I cut ye open an' see fer meself?"

 I think she’d see how scared everyone is of him and know somethings wrong Soon as the mace is swung she’d test what Storm said and grab it 

Pathy: “P-Pardon me, but I’m afraid this ‘Bloke’ is under critical condition, I see you two have uh...A quarrel to solve, however perhaps this could be done at a different time...? When the fight can be won fairly...” 

When Opaque first starts sending her presents he’s all Tsundere about it, he sends her the brush there’s a note that just says “I thought you would have needed it, don’t get any ideas fish face” despite her name, she is  more of an alchemist. But she was known as a pathologist due to her research on medicine and trollian Anatomy 

Ever since then he’d been a close assistant to the preacher, getting many blessings from him and since clowns are devoted psychos to their messiahs, that is a great honour. From that The Contender had gotten quite an ego, He was a little bossy, but to the Opaque this meant he was trying to keep order in the church. That’s how the doubleFaced got an eye for him. Other clowns listened and obeyed him - She was very charming and very respectable which gave him his red feelings for her. Ithink the Opaque knew there was something a little off about her. So he kept his distance. He tried to gently tell the Contender that she was a little off, but he shrugged it off. Slowly the double face began manipulating her matesprit to get her a higher rank in the church which he couldn’t do, due to not being incharge of that. The Opaque was. So she tried to work her way in by flirting with the Opaque, Pathy wasn’t okay with that and fought her. That’s where the two face first met her as a fuschia. And that’s where he started to hate her. He saw her attack his matesprit. Finding out she was the Opaque’s matesprit infuriated him. He begged the Opaque to get rid of her, to use her as church paint but he wouldn’t. That’s when their Moirailangence began to sour  A little after that, the Opaque sadly killed the doubleface, after she had learnt about his red feelings for Pathy and knowing she’d tell all of Alternia about it which would bring attention to her project. Which was the last straw for the Contender. The two had their argument and the Opaque was killed. Which caused Pathy to go after him and get killed as well - she was so heart brocken by his death, she felt her recklessness had played a hand in it, so she blamed herself and left to fight the Contender with no promise of returning. I’m sure you guys know what happens after that Had good intentions for his moirail, But they got out of hand due to his blood caste and anger. I think he would have felt sadness and regret when he killed the Opaque, The Pathologist not so much. I don’t think his feelings for her would have been black but he definitely hated her He even wanted her dead when she first attacked the DoubleFace,  Maybe even before that But he didn’t cause of his moirail. Maybe he was thankful that mob came after him cause if the rest of the church found out he killed the Opaque, imagine how angry they would be.

 Double face wanted a higher place in the church, she knew about the confrontation between the Opaque and his moirail but she didn’t think much of it, So That day what’s her face went to the Opaque’s hive, not knowing he was with his matesprit. She found the letters between the opaque and his matesprit. Her being the matesprit to the Contender and him being I guess second In charge of the church She reported this back to the Contender, Now her and the Pathologist have already had a run in and a fight. But she thinks Pathy is an indigo blood  

 This is where the Contender has had enough of his moirail. He’s read some of the letters and some of them do describe her as a sea dweller, The Opaque finds out about this a few days later when he returns. Reports to the Polisher about it, who ends up killing the double faced in an assassination for knowing too much. Then the Contender confronts the Opaque for a final time, being suspicious he has something to do with his matesprits death, He threatens Pathy for a revenge killing and that’s where the fight starts Pathy panics, not having heard from her Matesprit, she Buried her research and one of her weapons for her Descendant to find runs off literally moments too late... Pathy dies trying to avenge her matesprits death, and then the riot against the Contender led by Polisher and Storm take place, Storm kills contender in a brutal fashion to avenge his fallen Moirail. They can’t continue her research, They have most of her research but not all of it, She buried it for her descendant (they also couldn't read her handwriting) But even if they could, her book is gone. Rumours began circulating about a lime and indigo blood making miracle cures and help the lower blooded class - the opaque caught wind of this (this takes place when they are already matesprits.) he feels a little betrayed, but Storm is able to explain his reasoning and let the opaque help. the empire caught wind of an indigo pathologist. Pathy hands over only a quarter of her research and keeps the rest hidden to help the lesser fortunate. She is forced to hand over her research in exchange for Storms life (they don’t know about the rebellion) 

Opaque keeps Teal’s, Indigos and other purples out of it by Culling them, Which the Pathologist is more understanding of.  

The contender does not blame himself for his Moirails death. he’d hold the pathologist and the whole project accountable for his death.

Storm will be like "Don't think i won't kill you a second time" ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 I think the Contender would just chuckle at him and say “Your little fishy friend there doesn’t look like she’s in enough shape to help you this time.” [2:05 PM] Or something like that Bomblast — 05/27/2019 shit mang that'll just set him off [2:07 PM] but since im guessing he doesn't have his weapons, he just walks up to him and decks him in the face ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Or at least tries [2:07 PM] The Contender and Opaque are pretty big [2:07 PM] I don’t even know what Pathy would do [2:07 PM] She’d have so much running through her mind Bomblast — 05/27/2019 prolly cry a bit ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 OH [2:08 PM] WHAT IF SHE TRIED TO SUMMON KATHRA Bomblast — 05/27/2019 dials number "oi remember that bitch i told you 'bout, ye he's here" ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Here’s a better question [2:09 PM] If he did show up [2:09 PM] What would he do Bomblast — 05/27/2019 " and no I don't mean Storm" ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 He’s a little bigger than Kathra [2:09 PM] Ahaha xD Bomblast — 05/27/2019 can you give me a number on their height ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Pathy would probably be around 6’ [2:10 PM] Contender 6’7 [2:10 PM] With a big build Bomblast — 05/27/2019 chonk ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 And Opaque 7’4? [2:11 PM] With bigger build Bomblast — 05/27/2019 k cause i don't know if i stated this but Storm is around 6'2 ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Ohhhh [2:12 PM] Shit Bomblast — 05/27/2019 i decided on that when i designed him and i wasn't sure if i said it or not ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 You probably did, but we got so much info on them it’s hard to remember [2:13 PM] If that’s the case Pathy when she died probably would have been 6’8? Bomblast — 05/27/2019 damn she tol ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 She’s tall and slim Bomblast — 05/27/2019 but then again she is a matured Fushia ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 While the others are just big [2:14 PM] Exactly [2:15 PM] Oh shit wait [2:15 PM] If Kathra’s godtier would he still have his dream self? Bomblast — 05/27/2019 they can still enter dream bubble if they go god tier ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Perfect [2:16 PM] Maybe Pathy could summon him and he just falls asleep Bomblast — 05/27/2019 she does it when he's asleep already and sends him into a coma ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Wonder if the rebellion would blame Itrera for that Bomblast — 05/27/2019 what, him falling into a coma? ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Yea [2:27 PM] They’d have no idea what’s going on Bomblast — 05/27/2019 o they just like, "its the god dmn empire" ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/27/2019 Yea xD [2:28 PM] Oh shit, I made a new purple blood to You know how the Sage and Two face were the only ones to survive? Bomblast — 05/19/2019 Yeah? ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/19/2019 What if after everyone’s death, the sage went after the Two Face [12:28 PM] But then he realised that another death wouldn’t solve anything [12:29 PM] So he tried to make a truce with the Two face? [12:29 PM] She didn’t accept it cause she’s a bitch [12:29 PM] But I just thought that’d be interesting Bomblast — 05/19/2019 We’re Sage and Pathy the only voices of reason? 1 blocked message — Show message ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/19/2019 In a way [12:30 PM] The Storm was [12:30 PM] But he more wanted to get help Bomblast — 05/19/2019 Oh yeah, being a leader and all ✧・゚☾ ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔵𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 *・゚✧ — 05/19/2019 Exactly [12:31 PM] Listening to Bandito and it’s giving me hella ideas The only character I cannot think of a motivation [12:34 AM] Is two face [12:35 AM] The most frustrating thing is, her descendant is actually a massive help in the rebellion, she killed Staget for Kathra [12:35 AM] SHE LITERALLY TOOK HIS KILL [12:35 AM] But I cannot for the life of me figure out why the fuck her ancestor was such a bitch [12:37 AM] Maybe to impress the Contender...? [12:37 AM] But why would she try to impress him when she could go after the Opaque, the most respected subjuggulator of that time [12:38 AM] Apart from ghb that is Pathy just wanted to make peace and help those less fortunate than her Opaque just wanted his matesprit and moirail to be happy and get along Storm wanted to help his people Sage wanted to help the future generations Contender wanted to help his moirail not get culled by his people Two face was a cunt