


4 years, 7 months ago


Age: 896
Occupation: Ex monarch of the elves
Lordan inherited the throne at 56, being almost a child in the eyes of others. He was easy prey for all those who wanted power. His reign began chaotically, in the shadows the council took the government in his hands. Little Lordan, however, was grateful, because before his eyes it wasn´t usurpation, but temporary delegation. Little Lordan was neither foolish nor weak, at any time he trusted his close circle. His wait lasted another 40 years, before he could take all the power in his own hands. He completely changed the old council, replacing all the magistrates according to his own vision. For others it was an act of despotism and the first step that condemned his life.

He was envied, cursed and worshiped in equal proportions. His interest in other races was criticized. The pride of the race doesn´t allow an elf to pay attention and investigate other lower creatures, inscribed as a law. He wanted to change that. Vampires were the first beings of interest to him. Know their origin and the origin of the mutation. That was the second passed towards the fall.

Numerous protests and almost a civil war in the kingdom. He left the visibility of being oppressed by the power of the masses. However, the investigation went from public to private. Here began passageways and secret laboratories, cooperation with vampires and many small passes to the abyss. Curiosity killed the cat. Lordan, I was prepared for things worse than death. The reason was in the small discoveries. The eternity of vampires and the eternity of elves, small similarities between the two races, not only physical, but also cultural and architectural. While the rumors began to circulate. "The monarch is influenced by the magic of vampires!", "The elves are under danger of external domination" and many other headlines came out every day. Someone works hard enough to diminish Lordan's reputation. That was the penultimate step before free fall.

He found the two snakes that poisoned his surroundings. To circumvent their existence, he tied them with the magic of the vampires to two skulls of the shapeshifter, which according to the elven tradition were beings of the most primitive, beings that were to serve as slaves. Now they would be their slaves forever, unable to cross. The appearance of two shadows behind the monarch's shoulders, wasn´t unnoticed by others as well as the disappearance of two magistrates. Conversations about possible common origin between elves and vampires were censored immediately. He was accused of heresy and of trying to bring the end of his proud race. It was the little push into the darkness.

That same night, he took the blood of the vampires and mixed it with his own. Before the attentive eyes of his only friend, the grand Duke of the vampires, the elf monarch threw himself into the abyss of the curse while the music of the revolution was playing outside the walls.