🔷🔶🔷🔶's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

MortalMachine Global Rules

🟄no resell for more than paid for (unless there is a value of commissioned art and/or detailed story added)

☾you can repost my art and stuff as long as all proper credit is given

🟄you are not allowed to make any species out of any characters bought (you can write them as a race/worldbuild with them but you can't make more to sell or give away)

☾redesign is ok mostly (as long as there is base resemblance to original left)

🟄when reselling/trading/gifting you must update me with new owner contacts (if selling/trading outside of th)

specifically for OTA:

ï½¥i will not accept any artwork made using premade lines/bases/etc

ï½¥would b cool if you drop art examples straight up in the offer/comment

ï½¥i'm not really interested in characters
but like if you are gonna ignore and offer anyway you can at least read my wishlist

als this isn't really a rule but it'd be really cool if you actuallly use them ;v;