


4 years, 6 months ago



Needs a Bath


Stinky . Good Boi . Baby

 "Stop rolling in the mud you stinky! now you need another bath!!!!"

Full Neck
Curled Tail
Cub + Antennae Ears
Bump Feelers
Toothless Mouth


 Race: Leech
 Role: Rolls in Mud
 Class: Pet
 Obtained: Meduck
 Sale Price:
 Alignment: A good bean


  • Playing w/ other leeches
  • Food
  • Naps in the afternoon
  • Rolling in mud


  • Baths
  • Bubbles
  • Thorns
  • Did I mention Baths?


Snuppy was from an old line of leech pups that were renowned for their plushie body and cute buttons until it was discontinued due to new toys and competitors coming to fruition. Being one of the last of the 6 colored plush leeches of that line, Snuppy was taken in by the old owner of the plush leeches until he passed on. After that, him and his siblings were passed on everywhere, never to be seen again by the owner's greedy son.

Snuppy enjoyed his life until he discovered the beauty of rain, mud and bugs and any chance he could get, he would jump at the moment to jump and roll in mud puddles, interact with frogs and play with the bugs he found. This didn't please his owners very much since washing a plush leech was...very hard to say the least.

This is why he was passed around until some owners decided to just leave him after their pristine white living room was trashed with muddy paw-prints and water and grass marks everywhere. They left him at a caravan park where anyone that would come in would let their kids go play with the stinky Leech puppy.

Alas, all Snuppy truly wanted was a good warm home, someone who could wash him up properly with caring and loving hands and give him warm food as well. One day, a witch came by after some needed TLC to work on her spells and art and saw the Leech pup, even inviting the little thing into her caravan and giving him a warm bath, food and a place to sleep for the night. 

After two and a half weeks of staying, working on herself and her art, she actually enjoyed her time with Snuppy and took him home with her, making sure he enjoyed what he loved and got a good loving bath out of it.

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