Spica (Ragnarök Online)



4 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info

Full Name  Danica Estella Windsor

Age / Birthday 17 y. o / 24 April

Height 164cm

Class Mechanic

Job Student, airship engineer apprentice

Race Human


Inquisitive • Cheerful • Optimist

Danica (or more commonly referred as Spica) is a young Mechanic living in the Schwarzvald Republic. Her family are well known in the airship industry for their work as engineers for generations, where she naturally inclined to follow their path. She is currently training and studying to be one of the mechanics for the Schwarzvaldian Airship Company.

Since she was very young, Spica has been very inquisitive and eager to learn. She likes to take apart various things to study how they worked, including her father's expensive pocket watch that she failed to put back together before he found out. Although she did get in trouble, her father understands her passion and instead started to bring home old and unused airship parts and machine for her to play with. She had a dream where she would build a massive airship in the size of a castle to roam the sky one day.

Spica has lean build and fair skin. She have blue eyes with a slight tint of pink, and long, straight blonde hair that she put into twintails. Her Mechanic outfit are dyed white, with neon green accents and neon pink inner layer. The hoodie is modified to resemble cat ears. She have two version of the uniform, one and two piece, with her preference is the two piece one. She wears a pair of short, black leather gloves, sometimes fingerless ones. She prefers her neon green leather boots than standard Mechanic boots as she finds it a bit too restricting. Usually she wears a thigh length sock on her right leg, on her right it was set much shorter, as she have a thigh belt that she used to attach various tools she needed for the day.


  • Her parents split when she was young, and her mother left Spica to her father. She seems barely unaffected by this as it happened when she was very little, but she knows whatever happened was bad enough that her parents are not in speaking terms.
  • Her father works as an airship captain, whom she looks up to and idolized. When she was young he often brought her to work and she ended up hanging out with his crews. One of major influence in her decision to study and work for the same airship company.
  • Part of ROSMERTA Merchant Association, her side hustle is crafting and selling various alloys which she used to fund her Madogear.
  • Has a pet bird named Tea and a cat named Rilo.
  • ✔ Metalforging, engineering, airships, coffee, birds, cats, cheesecake.
  • ✖ Dogs, soda, shrimp.

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