🪶 Maverick 🪶



9 years, 3 months ago


Maverick Kerrigan Sensitive . Brave . Crafty . Depressed . Reserved . Pessimistic



Maverick Kerrigan, the fallen angel with a rebellious spirit, embodies a dichotomy of celestial beauty and earthly struggles. His towering wings, brilliant blue eyes, and Southern charm conceal a complex soul battling the shadows of his celestial past. Despite his angelic origin, Maverick is just as flawed and vulnerable as any earthly being.

With a perpetual scowl and a fondness for casual western attire, Maverick navigates life with a blend of defiance and weariness. Beneath his tough exterior lies a heart burdened by the scars of his celestial descent, a struggle reflected in his vices and constant exhaustion. Maverick's love for coffee and distaste for both Heaven and Hell reflect his disdain for conformity, choosing the chaotic middle ground instead.


  • Coffee and Cigarettes:
    Maverick finds solace in the bitter embrace of coffee and the occasional puff of a cigarette, a comforting routine to cope with the complexities of his existence.
  • Guitar Sessions:
    Although not a frequent performer, Maverick enjoys strumming his guitar in quiet moments, a cathartic expression of his inner turmoil.
  • Golden Metal Accents:
    Maverick's fondness for golden accents reflects a subtle rebellion against his angelic past, a defiance of the celestial norms he once adhered to.
  • Casual Western Attire:
    Comfortable in his own skin, Maverick prefers the simplicity of casual western clothes, embracing plaid, flannel, denim, and a touch of rebellious style.
  • Phoebe's Company:
    Maverick cherishes the companionship of Phoebe, finding solace in her presence despite the challenges posed by her aversion to felines.
  • Tobio's Well-being:
    Acting as a guardian to Tobio, Maverick takes pride in contributing to the well-being and growth of Phoebe's young charge.
  • Late-Night Stargazing:
    Maverick finds peace in the quiet solitude of late-night stargazing, a ritual that connects him to the vastness of the cosmos.


  • Conformity:
    Maverick rebels against celestial norms, despising the expectations and conformity associated with both Heaven and Hell.
  • His Celestial Past:
    The scars on his right arm, concealed by wraps, remind Maverick of the painful memories tied to his celestial past, a source of constant internal conflict.
  • Bright Colors:
    Maverick shies away from bright colors like white and yellow, preferring the muted tones that align with his rebellious disposition.
  • Celestial Authorities:
    Disillusioned with the realms of Heaven and Hell, Maverick harbors a deep disdain for celestial authorities who played a role in his tortured existence.
  • Being Restrained:
    Maverick values his freedom and dislikes any form of restraint, be it physical or metaphorical, a reflection of his independent spirit.
  • Judgmental Attitudes:
    Maverick struggles with the judgmental attitudes of those who fail to see beyond his celestial exterior, yearning for acceptance in a world that often misunderstands him.
  • Unsettled Feathers:
    The smell of excessive liquor on his feathers and the lingering scent of smoke are reminders of his struggles and vices, things Maverick wishes he could escape.

Powers & Abilities

  • Using wings, the user has the ability to fly.
  • May use wings as means to attack or defend.
  • The ability to restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning.
  • Can’t raise the dead, but as long as there's even a hint of life left, healing is possible.
  • Can only use this ability through direct touch.
  • May sometimes be painful for the recipient of the healing, depending on the severity of damage.
  • May not be able to regrow entire limbs or organs of the recipient but can reattach or repair them to working ability.
  • Can rapidly accelerate uncureable diseases and illnesses.
  • Only able to use this ability when in a calm state of mind.
  • The opposite ability of healing; users can undo recently healed or enduce further damage to any wound, disease, injury on another living being.
  • Can encourage damage to biotic organisms that may cause extreme pain and even death.
  • Can only use this ability through direct touch.
  • Can rapidly accelerate uncureable diseases and illnesses.
  • Only able to use this ability in extreme distress, fear, or anger.
  • The ability to live for all eternity without ever aging or decaying, permanently retaining a youthful physical vitality and beauty.
  • Body is completely immune to all diseases, toxins and drugs and anything related to life and death.
  • Completely immune to all forms of physical harm on any/all levels. Bullets and knives bounce harmlessly off of their bodies, they are immune to all non-supernatural weapons, bombs, and objects.
  • Infertile, or incapable of passing this ability to their descendants.
Enhanced Strength
  • Users can lift cars, trucks, buses, small-moderately sized boulders, tall trees, and numerous times the weight of peak humans.
  • Users can perform any biological strike or use objects with mighty power, such as destroying bridges, road vehicles, trees, etc.
Enhanced Speed
  • Users can move, run, jump, climb, and fly at velocities that are far beyond those of any vehicle.
  • Users have much greater agility than average beings.
  • Having remarkable balance, coordination and dexterity, which makes them able to quickly and easily move, dodge, duck, or catch anything thrown at them.




Born on March 27, 1775, in an era marked by revolutions and upheavals, Maverick Kerrigan's earthly journey began against the backdrop of historical turbulence. Raised in the complexities of a world undergoing profound change, his existence took a tragic turn on July 13, 1802. The circumstances of his demise, shrouded in the shadows of history, left an indelible mark on the celestial tapestry.

In the aftermath of his earthly end, Maverick's celestial fate took a twisted turn. The celestial authorities, deeming his tragic demise as grounds for condemnation to Hell, prepared to welcome him into the infernal abyss. However, a celestial mishap altered the course of Maverick's destiny. An accidental detour sent him not to the fiery pits but to the ethereal realms of Heaven. Unsettled by the presence of a soul intended for damnation, celestial authorities, in their bewildered judgment, sentenced Maverick to endure torturous punishment in Hell.

Lucifer, discerning the cosmic injustice inflicted upon Maverick, intervened with a rare act of mercy. Recognizing a soul wronged by celestial bureaucracy, Lucifer granted Maverick an extraordinary reprieve—an eternal existence on Earth as a fallen angel. Liberated from the chains of celestial judgment, Maverick found himself tethered to the mortal realm, a realm where time moved forward, and the echoes of centuries reverberated through the annals of his existence.

On Earth, Maverick embarked on a journey of perpetual wandering, traversing continents and centuries alike. He became a witness to the ebb and flow of human history, forging connections and enduring heartbreaks with the fleeting lives around him. The world became his canvas, and he painted his existence with experiences—some joyous, others laden with sorrow. Throughout his eternal journey, Maverick collected mementos from his travels, amassing an eclectic assortment of artifacts that told the tales of civilizations and cultures long gone.

His residence, nestled on the outskirts of Silver City, became a sanctuary for these relics of time. A sprawling, cluttered mansion stood as a testament to the accumulation of memories and artifacts. Each item told a story, a piece of the puzzle that made up Maverick's eternal life. The house, with its labyrinthine corridors and rooms overflowing with history, mirrored the complexity of Maverick's own existence.

Stuck in the perpetual dance between life and death, Maverick found solace and torment within the walls of his cluttered abode. The eternal wanderer, marked by the weight of time and the echoes of a celestial intervention, continued to navigate the world, a living relic of an existence that defied both Heaven and Hell.

Current Story Arc

Nestled amidst the tranquil landscapes north of Silver City, Maverick's existence takes an unexpected turn as he grapples with the complexities of a romantic connection. His heart finds solace in the company of Phoebe, a woman whose aversion to felines introduces a challenging dynamic to their relationship. As Maverick attempts to navigate the delicate dance of love, acceptance, and the lingering shadows of his celestial past, the dichotomy of their love story unfolds against the canvas of a celestial struggle.

Phoebe's reservations toward felines cast a shadow on Maverick's hope for a harmonious relationship. The enigmatic dance between the celestial and earthly aspects of his existence becomes a poignant backdrop to their evolving connection. Despite the challenges posed by their differences, Maverick is determined to forge a path that transcends both his fallen status and Phoebe's aversion.

The journey is fraught with hurdles, each step echoing with the celestial and earthly trials that define Maverick's existence. Phoebe's struggle to reconcile her feelings and Maverick's determination to bridge the gap create a delicate tension that permeates their relationship. Maverick, bearing the scars of celestial injustices, strives to prove that love can triumph over the celestial boundaries that once sought to condemn him.

As Maverick ventures deeper into the labyrinth of earthly relationships, he grapples with the echoes of past heartbreaks and the challenge of proving his worthiness. The turbulence of his celestial past, intertwined with the complexities of Phoebe's sentiments, becomes a crucible where the strength of their connection is tested.




Maverick views Tobio as a cherished son, their bond forged in laughter and tender moments. Guiding him with paternal warmth, Maverick's heart swells with affection for the young soul, a connection beyond the bounds of blood.



Intrigued by Phoebe's feline aversion, Maverick's love remains unwavering. His affection is a celestial melody yearning for earthly harmony. He navigates celestial shadows to prove love's enduring power, offering his heart to Phoebe's unique soul.



Maverick finds solace in Dominik's creative sanctuary. Dominik's carefree spirit complements Maverick's laid-back wisdom, creating a friendship woven with laughter and shared moments. Maverick values the sanctuary of their friendship, a space where the vastness of Maverick's experiences meets the boundless realm of Dominik's creativity.

Maverick Zane Kerrigan
King Cheetah
249 years old
Chaotic Neutral