



Silvanus [Silas]

Male . Kalon [-] . 20

[modelverse - new vegas] Born as Silvanus to an old and traditional clan living by the gothic aesthetic, he gave up getting people to say his name correctly at the ripe age of kindergarten. Silas doesn't really care for the greyscale theme of his life at home, but by the time he was old enough to buy his own clothes, it wasn't worth it to answer the 50 million questions about his sudden change in aesthetic.

He appears stoic and doesn't really care for anything outside of his own few interests, but know him well enough and you'll fall victim to his shopaholic tendencies. Retail therapy and Silas go hand in hand, and his home is decorated floor to ceiling in neatly arranged displays of his impulse buys.

He still insists he's not really into the emo aesthetic


colors (matched to palette)
#16191f | #dfdcde
#fe0200 | #d70101
#010000 | #dcd8ce
#543d34 | #fefefe
[s] hair, shine
[c] fur, tail
nb 3167
nb 4012
nb 4043
