
WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!

Name of Character ★

*icon - 250px x 250px*

A cheerful and optimistic '89 user, Jade may be fairly new to Turf Wars but she is both excited and nervous about starting to play Ranked Battles.

Personal Details ★

Full Name Jade Green
Nicknames N/A
Gender Female
Species Inkling
Age 14
Height 5' 2"
Birthday August 1st ()
Likes Turf Wars, spending time with her friends, squidparties, cute things, the Squid Sisters, singing, favourite weapon = N-Zap '89, favourite colour = lime green
Dislikes Some of what she's heard about Ranked Battles (it's made her worried about trying it once she reaches Level 10), being inexperienced at Turf Wars, any map that has really high areas, when her fear of heights gets in the way of her battling, has a fear of heights
Strengths Jade is good at running and singing.
Weaknesses Jade isn't so good at Turf Wars. Well, to be fair, she is pretty new to them...
Powers None
Alignment -


Personality ★

Jade is cheerful and optimistic, as well as fun-loving and extroverted.
However, Jade tends to not take things seriously. She also oftens lets her fears get the better of her.

Backstory ★

Jade only started joining Turf Wars around three months ago, so she hasn't reached a high enough level yet to be able to join Ranked Battles. Despite being fairly new and inexperienced, she still has lots of fun in Turf Wars, especially when she's with her friend Aqua.

Goals/Ambitions ★

Past goals/ambitions - meep
Current goals/ambitions - moop

Relationships ★

This is just a brief summary of this character's relationships - their links have more info on them, so be sure to check those out, too!

Friends - Aside from Aqua, none of my other characters are friends with Jade, as Aqua is the only other Inkling character I have. That might change as I add more profiles, though.
Enemies - Jade doesn't have any enemies yet, for the same reason as above.
Family - Only child, both parents alive
Relationship status - Single/Not looking (her parents think Jade is too young to get into a relationship, which has led to her believing that they are right)/Straight

Other ★


Stories ★

★ Name + link to story - role the character had in the story

Artists' Tips ★
