


4 years, 7 months ago


all you have is your fire

Dragon Demon
6’ 2
Human; Dragon-Blood
Prince of Razeria
Chaotic Good
arrogant, playful, volatile

The twin sister of Azara, and dragon-blooded Prince of the fire kingdom, Razeria. Confident, cocky, and with a chip on his shoulder, Lirai has little self preservation and rarely shows restraint - in any situation, be it the battlefield or a dinner feast truce meeting.

Whilst his sister was sent to the savanna tribes at the age of 8 to be trained to bear the burden of the Sunblaze Helm, Lirai remained in the Fire Lily Palace of Ithra, the Razerian capital. Here he was raised with much less attention to mentorship and teaching, entertaining much more freedom, but much fewer opportunities for growth and improvement. He is both spoilt and neglected. The Razerian kingdom is a matriarchal society, leading to Lirai being largely seen as inferior to his sister, and treated as such. Whilst his parents thanked the sun for the birth of Azara, his own birth was met with the uncaring notion that more fodder is always welcome - and as a dragon-blood, Lirai is exceptionally powerful fodder.

Being a rare dragon-blood - aside from his sister, who was sent away - Lirai's only fellow dragon-bloods were an old lady, affectionately called Granny, and a warrior in his early 30's named Master Tiwoeldyn. With the nature of dragon-bloods being extreme power at the price of a shortened life, in his early teens, Granny passed away at the age of 54, consumed by her heritage. Barely a year later, Master Tiwoeldyn was killed in battle, joining the ranks of the Valkyrian undead army. Distraught, Lirai sent a messenger hawk to his sister, bidding her return to the palace. Upon her arrival, they argued furiously, fighting badly enough to burn each other.

Despite their fighting, Lirai is very close to his sister, the twins having a passionate but loving relationship - as is the way of Razerians. In addition to this, Lirai has a close relationship with a warrior his age named Blayr, the two often engaging in sexual activities. With polygamy not uncommon in Razeria, Lirai has enjoyed many lovers and sexual encounters during breaks from his combat training, boasting both bedroom and battlefield experience.


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