Charity Bennett



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Charity Bennett
Gender: Female
DoB: November 13 || Scorpio
Height: 150cm (4'11")

An intelligent, freelance detective, filled with curiosity even over the smallest things. She is hard-working & independent; Traits she developed as a result of living alone. She can be reckless, often disregarding her own safety, but is very thoughtful of the people closest to her. Always on the move, she has difficulty making friends because she never stays in one place long enough to get to know anyone. This has left her somewhat cold & closed off to other people, but true to her name, she always puts others first.

Family / Relatives:

  • ----- (Mother; Estranged)
  • ----- (Father; Estranged)
  • Verity Bennett (Twin sister; Missing)
Friends / Allies:
  • Lisa (Detective; Partner)

Likes: Books, solving mysteries, animals, traveling, spicy foods, cute dresses
Dislikes: Dishonesty, violence, sweets, crowded places

  • Born into a very wealthy family, but became estranged from her parents, who later divorced following her sister's disappearance.
  • Doesn't like to stay in one place for very long, as she is being followed. But if there's any mystery to be solved, she's up to the task.
  • Carries a rose gold pocket watch containing a picture of her missing sister.
  • Wears a moon ring on her left hand, a family heirloom passed down by her mother.