


4 years, 6 months ago


One day i'll be able to fly !


Tulipe is one of the few children of the village. She's the grand daugter of the previous mayor and is very sad of his departure. Her parents were part of those who left to reach other islands more modern. She has been abandoned twice and it's pretty hard for her.

The only family she has left is Flanelle, her aunt of heart, and Coquelicot, the bird her parents gave her when she was younger.

She's a lovely little girl who loves to dance and run around ! She wishes to become a plane pilot to find her parents so they can be proud of her. She studies with Shika but isn't really good at school, and there isn't any plane on the island, making her dream very hard to reach. She keeps going though !

She also LOVES everything that makes A LOT of sound ! She ordered a drillmachine for Christmas and can often be found outside during stormy weather.

She spends a lot of time helping to raise the birds, making her a good friend of Floria and the birdkeeper.

She's also a close friend of Eliot and Lily who are the only children younger than her on the island.


If you have no ideas, you can draw her :

Dancing Flamenco

Sleeping on her book in the library

Tipsy with a glass of Sangria

Riding Coquelicot

Driving a plane (don't do it it's so hard XD)

Sleeping in an unusual place with her blue blanket

Contemplating/Playing under the storm

When she was young, with Coquelicot

Playing drums and being very bad at it (But loving it)

In her garden full of flowers

In a hot air balloon

Using her Drillmachine and loving it

With her aunt Flanelle

Studying with Shika

Discovering the existence of Drilling machine on Youtube


Info here
Demi-Human with Antennas
Info here
Info here
Doesn't know


  • Heavy sounds
  • Flamenco
  • Birds
  • Planes


  • Being alone
  • Abandonment
  • Info
  • Info


  • Dancing
  • Raising birds
  • Helping everyone




[ Friend ]

A mysterious lady working in the shadow, she's very class and knows a lot of things in computer science. Tulipe doesn't see her very often but she's a kind person and she paid her christmass gift out of her own pocket. She sometimes go out to play with her and Ludwik, but she've quite never see her in the village. There's also Chloé, but she doesn't talk about Chloé.



[ Aunt ]

Her aunt of heart ! She's the only family she has left... with Coquelicot !



[ Threat ]

A very strange little girl. She tells everyone she's Ludwik's cousin, but Tulipe is convinced she already did see her a few times before, and always with her grand father... She will never fool her, she must have something to do with his disappearance !



[ Friend ]

Tulipe often comes to Lyvia's shop to order useless things she've seen on the internet. And Lyvia always accept with joy ! But the new mayor often veto it, what a killjoy !



[ Teacher ]

Her teacher ! She teaches her a lot of things so she can become an aviator later ! And sometimes she even comes to play under the rain with her.



[ Friend ]

He's the windmill guy ! He's an adult but mentally he's the same age as her. It's very fun to play with him !


Eliott and Lily

[ Friends ]

The two children of the village who are younger than her. They often play together and she help them in the fields.



[ Kind of a mother ]

Eliott and Lily's mother. She's very kind and tries to be like a mother to this poor abandoned child. Tulipe often goes to eat at her home.


Andros and Alina

[ Friends ]

They can fly !!! Tulipe sometimes ask them to take her on their backs. Alina used to do it when she was younger, but Tulipe is starting to weigh her weight.



[ Kind Lady ]

She's the kind lady who brings her gifts through the see !


Hibbel and Iyilla

[ Kind people ]

Going to the Azur Parc is always a big event and Tulipe is super happy each time to meet her favorite animators again. She's more into Hibbel than Iyilla, it's always very funny to try to make this big boring guy laught !


My Little Colored World is kind of a cute post-apo universe where people live on islands wich were once mountains, centuries after the world was flooded.

Societies developed in a very unequal way depending on the populations and infrastructures already present on these mountains at the time. Internet is massively present and controlled, but a lot of islands aren't really into new/modern technologies yet since they can be hard to produce and import depending on the part of the world you are in and the connections you have with modern islands. The main island of this new world is a very developed city which hosts the biggest company of this time, the one that basically owns the internet.

Miles away from this big island, you can find a semi-rural and colored island called "Iris Island" where the story takes place. There was once a population which started the modernisation of the island before leaving to reach other lands with more space and comfort. People here grow cotton, algae and wheat. They have watermills to produce energy, a library which is used as a little school, a little market, and at the top of the mountain, a big belltower that is also the mansion of the mayor. Their houses are quite basic, they have running water but not everybody has as much electricity as those who are close to the watermills. They raise big birds that they use to travel to other close islands. They also sell their feathers.

The economy is chaotic but it kinda works ; they have a common fund that they fill with the money of their exports. It is guarded by the mayor and is used to buy goods for the village's only store. Everything in it is free.

One day, the mayor decides to sell the island to a famous big company and leaves with all the cash from the common fund. A new mayor is brought in and his ambition is to develop the island. He has a very capitalist way of seing things and he'll be confronted to the villagers who want to keep everything simple. He will not do only bad things. For example ; the habitants used to export cotton and import clothes, and he will make things so they can produce and export their own fabric. He's also the one who will hire a doctor for the island. Little by little he will learn to love them all and make more concessions, even defending them from the will of the big company he is part of.