A.N.G.E.L (V.I.N)



4 years, 7 months ago


Appearance: An A.I. crystal, Blue with the "traveler" symbol, and glows orange. Has many different robotic bodies they can inhabit.
- Chicken Walker: on the left, two leged walker with a space for a passenger, and an attached gunnery. The crystal is in the front.
- Emergency Spacecraft: in the middle, a small escape pod that ANGEL can pilot and control in Protos.

- Robotic Dog: On the right, crystal sits in the front. Created with earth materials, looks like a robotic dog, with a tail. Has cat ear attachments.

A.N.G.E.L is an artificial intellegence unit created in Protos (scifi world). She was originally in charge of the security of Research Station 13 when it was attacked, and she flooded the station with plasma to prevent them from hacking into her systems. Instead of dying she became a sentient Ai "traveler" crystal. An extremely good hacker, Angel can phase with technology and take it over. After being found and joining "the Travelers" they have procured many different bodies for Angel to inhabit. She has a robotic chicken walker with a gun attachment from Portot, an emergency spacecraft from Portot, and a robotic dog body created in earth by Gidget. Angel loves learning information and will often tell the team extreme details about the place they are visiting for hours unless told to stop. Her ultimate dream is to steal and hack both an Iron samuraii body and a High class Space craft to pilot.

Originally from Protos, she "travels" to earth with the team and assumes an undercover identity since being from a future sifi dimension would cause quite a stir. Her super hero name is V.I.N (Virtual Intelegence Network). She pretends to be a robotic AI created by Gidget, and usually inhabits the robotic dog body while on earth. Angel has quite a sense of humor and sarcasm as well. In the debut as VIN she reponded to questions with dog and cat puns galore.