πŸŽπŸ”πŸ— β€£ Luka



4 years, 6 months ago


haha nice

佐川ルカ / Luka
Gimme x Gimme
GIGA (nqrse & Shoose cover)

01 β€” Profile

Name Sagawa Luka (surname, first)
Nicknames Lulu, etc.
Age 29
Gender Cis Male ( he/him )
Height 6'3"
Birthdate September 31st
Ethnicity Japanese-Italian
Orientation. Bisexual
Occupation model / actor

Designer hoshiumies
  • has some white streaks in his hair! the rest of his hair is an indigo-purple colour

  • hair is almost always pulled back into a ponytail of some sort

  • very fashionable clothing, lots of up-to-date trends, accessories, faux furs, etc. dresses lavishly and formally but not in a tryhard way ( he's trying hard to not look like a tryhard )

02 β€” Personality

A charismatic and headstrong man whose personality is insufferable to at least 90% of the people who know him. Luka is an unflappable man who isn't fazed by much, despite his floaty and dandy outward nature. He's rather hedonistic even in his day-to-day routine, prefering greatly to shower himself in praise and material goodsβ€”not out of a need to fulfil any missing components in his life, but because Luka genuinely thinks that people deserve to indulge in excess as inherent reward for being human. As a result of this attitude, Luka can come off like a spoiled brat to someβ€”but don't be fooled, because while it is true that he loves living in the lap of luxury, he's wholly aware of how much hard work it takes just to gain it. As a result, Luka is someone who takes his profession seriously, and puts his all into the things he works with ( so long as he feels passion towards them, of course ). He isn't lazy by any means, knowing full well that if you want something...? Well. The best way to attain it is to make sure it's yours. To bite hard and never let it go.

Despite his surprisingly mature disposition, Luka can also be caught off guard rather easily when he is denied things that he thinks should come to him be default. For example, if he feels like he deserves something and it isn't given to him, he feels genuine surprise and shock that such a thing could happen. In a way, he's almost unconsciously selfish despite also being well-aware of how self-centred his indulgences often are. He's a man who not so much feels like the world revolves around him, but would like to live his life as if that were the case. Being waken up from that reverie isn't disliked, but it sure isn't often anticipated!

In short, Luka is hedonistic yet not naive; selfish yet not immature; he's someone who knows the vices of life yet chooses to fall into them anyway, because that's much better than being forced into boxes by society and having things given to you! Better to take them for yourself than live on those scraps. Better to take what should be rightfully yours than wait indefinitely for them.

  • nice things :)

  • clubbing :)

  • sweet cocktails :)

  • .......... fluffy chickens :)

  • not nice things :(

  • h

  • when people are mean to him even if he deserves it lol :(

03 β€” Background


Luka's life honestly isn't that fascinating or deepβ€”he was born to loving parents who were often too busy with their work lives to really attend to their son. While he did grow up a little saddened about not being able to spend much time with his mom and dad, they often employed caretakers to look after him and the house while they were gone. In addition, missed holidays were always made up with plenty of presents, and that's not even mentioning the absolute mountain of gifts he was given on his birthdayβ€”an occasion they always made time for.

While he did grow up spoiled, Luka was ultimately was raised to be humble about things. His not-so-stellar grades more than balanced the material goods he was showered with in terms of accomplishments, and his parents' way of teaching him led to him being able to understand that while he was practically born with a silver spoon in his mouth, others aren't always so lucky. This led to him growing up being grateful for the things in his life, albeit with a subconscious understanding that all good things must be worked for or otherwise taken, else they would never be given to you.

Aside from his wealth, Luka also had a pretty average life from childhood to adulthood: he went to a nice private school, and then graduated from high school with no real passion in any academic field. As a result, he started taking on occasional part-time jobs. Eventually, he found his way working at a host club in Akihabara, and from thereon was scouted by a regular who usually came to the establishment to find new potential hires for his modeling agency. The rest is ... well, you know! This is a history section of a character's backstory tab for a reason!


Nowadays, Luka enjoys starring in small-time roles in movies ( never anything big ... but be sure to look out for whoever is playing Townsperson A in the credits list ) and modelling for REBEL Models Tokyoβ€”the very same one he was recruited by a few years ago! His free-time is often spent going to fancy establishments as well as visiting bars and clubs in Akihabara. Currently, his favourite hobby seems to be being a nuisance to the workers at the Menagerie Bar.

04 β€” Trivia

  • He owns two dogs! Their names are Chouchou and Biscotti.

  • Even though he has his own personal cook for the weekdays, Luka's favourite thing to do is look up new recipes and make them himself whenever she's off on the weekends! He's actually a pretty good cookβ€”nothing Michelin-worthy, but it's good for someone whose meals were served to him on a golden platter from the day he was born.

  • ESTP-T on the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator test. Live fast die young bad girls do it well, etc.

05 β€” Relationships


Mayu and Luka are cousins, though the former most certainly wishes that weren't the case. Luka makes fun of Mayu for being a gloomy jerk, but he knows he can't really say much because he's really not any better despite acting contrarily. The two don't interact beyond what's necessary, and mainly stay out of each others' social circles.

f... fri.....end??????

It's purely professional!

Just kidding. Luka thinks Tooru's personality is fun to be around, mainly because he thinks there's something hiding underneath his polite and skittish attitude. He almost always requests his service specifically when at Menagerie, and feigns hurt whenever the latter rejects his totally unserious advances. The two don't really have a relationship past that, though.


Luka's second-favourite person to bother!

...Just kidding. Maybe. The two have a really odd dynamic, with Haruka's stoicism making for a rather tricky wall of which Luka's flippant attitude bounces off. Still, while the two aren't necessarily friends, they also don't dislike each other in any way, either.