


4 years, 6 months ago


Widowed at the age of twenty-six, Petunia's a diligent, stoic, and lonely woman. After the loss of her partner, she lost any self-worth she had. Causing her to give up her life, but not in the typical way... As a patrol officer, she always risked her life, but decided to take it up a notch. Becoming a SWAT officer and quickly ascending the line of command through a mere few years. Known for her commanding presence, strength, intense focus and overall unwavering fortitude. She's not only had a superb track record of arrests and many near-perfect raids, Petunia's known as a hero in her city.

Standing at 6'5 with a hefty weight of 315 pounds, she's a hulking woman. Carrying a masculine body type of large, well-defined muscles with a slightly pudgy stomach. (She likes her sweets...)

Underneath her cold, stoic expression, she's a sorrow heavy person. Struggling with the day to day life of what she sees as a hopelessly damaged world. Starting her early thirties as of now. Having met Ava on a patrol run, she was surprisingly welcoming to the young and sweet, but troubled goat. Making for a quickly escalating friendship. Ava at the time, was eighteen and at the prime age for weaponry training. "Training for self-defense in a nasty world" She'd always tell herself. Ava, set in her ways of whoring, didn't have protection. She never knew why she hadn't arrested Ava, it just seemed so wrong at the time...

With Ava deceased, Petunia tasks herself with solving what happened the one day she wasn't there for a friend. To hopefully get a chance at redemption for another one she didn't save. Even if it means taking things to the extreme.