Cayro E



4 years, 6 months ago



Cayro Ex

"The Guardian’s may have gifted us Bravery, Knowledge, Health and Strength but it is Lady Storm who truly saved us, lighting our way in the stars."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Kaynika (The Realm of Dragons)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Captain Ex
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Pirate/Captain
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Right
    • Age Twenty Six
    • Species Witch/Warlock


    Cayro has long black hair that flows down to the middle of his back. It is usually messy, but kept out of his face by a black headband worn around his head. On the fabric, he has the ships logo in white, which is of a dragon twisting around an anchor. Sitting upon his headband, he dons a cocked hat. It is a dark brown felt hat with three sides of the brim turned up and laced into place in order to form a triangle. He has green eyes that change in the light, sometimes so dark they are mistaken for black or so bright it is hard to look away. He has light stubble on his face and wears a baggy white, button up shirt. It is often tucked in with a few of the top buttons undone. Over it, he has on a grey jacket that goes down to his knees. It has long sleeves with white cuffs and is made of a very durable material. He also wears plain black trousers and a wide, dark brown belt. The buckle is silver, square in shape. To supporting its weight, it sits over a black ribbon tied around his waist. On his feet, he wears heavy black boots. His right shoulder has a tattoo, the same logo that is on his bandana. On his fingers, he has four different rings, all unique with their own engravings etched into the inside. They are made with a see through crystal type glass, but stronger than average. Each represents one of the guardians. The first one is on his right hand’s index finger. It has fire within it and on the inside, it says, ‘The Bravery of Flames Eternal.’ On his ring finger on the same hand, he has another, this time with a mix of dirt and sand. On the inside, it reads, ‘The Strength of Terra’s Mind.’ On his left hands middle finger, the ring is cloudy with nothing else visible within. It reads, ‘The Knowledge in the Wind.’ On the same hand on his pinky finger, his last ring has water within, reading, ‘The Flow of the Rivers Serenity.’ Attached to his belt, he has a broadsword named ‘The Soul Slayer’. It’s true name is ‘Interfectorem’, and is known as the strongest sword on Kaynika. The flat side of its blade has patterns carved into it and its hilt and pommel is just a standard black.


    • Build Fit and muscular

    • FOOD Mutton
    • COLOUR Red and Green
    • ANIMAL Wolf
    • SETTING Out on the open sea
    • WEATHER Clear skies
    • DRINK Rum
    • NUMBER Three
    • GENRE Romance
    • ACTIVITY Sailing across the seas
    • TIME OF DAY After Dark


    • The Ocean
    • Respect
    • When things go his way


    • Opposing Pirates
    • Land
    • Anything bigger/better than him


    • Fencing
    • Target practice
    • Collecting things

    Cayro is highly respected among his people. Over the years, he had gained many skills. He can command and navigate a ship as well as match the best sword and pistol fighters like his rival, Cynthia. He is a completely different captain than she is. Rather than being the faithful, trustworthy pirate she is, he tends to lie to others, almost compulsively, yet, his crew trusts him because they know he is truthful with them. He is a good, cunning con artist who tells people what they want to hear and they believe him. He is a bit of a charmer and a flirter. He is romantic at heart, but does not get to show it due to his single relationship status. He is rather fun loving, never a dull moment as long as he can help it. He is also sometimes a bit immature and arrogant with a calm and relaxed personality. He is also a rather fearless leader, like his rival. He is bold and brave, often taking calculated risks and always looks for opportunities in every situation. He does not like standing around, being more of an action kind of guy. He can act impulsively at times, but his crew keeps him grounded. He always strives for excellence and pushes his crew to do the same. He is persistent and resourceful in nature and loves to explore.


    • Sword & Gun Fighting
    • Loyal to those close to him
    • Resourseful & Brave


    • Lies almost compulsively
    • Arrogant & Immature at times
    • Impulsive/Impatient


    Cayro has very few goals, but the ones he does have are what keep him going, even in his darkest times. After his family died, he wanted more than ever, to make them proud. Every choice he makes is with them in mind. He also desperately wants revenge, but since something else got to the pirates who killed his parents, he had to settle for ending the life of whatever beast sank them. He began his search for the beast and in present times, still looks for it, despite his lack of luck in finding the creature.


    • Anything bigger than him
    • Crowds
    • His crew leaving him


    • Tends to gaze out into the ocean deep in thought
    • Compulsive lying
    • Avoids crowds


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Cleverly disguised poor grammar
    • COMMON STARTER "Well now, what brings you to our end of the sea?"
    • SWEARS? Occasionally
    • QUIRKS Often lies to people he talks to who are not apart of his crew
  • Species

    [ Witch/Warlock ] Witches and Warlocks are humanoid beings that possess magical capabilities. The Witch is female, while the Warlock is male, and neither gender is typically ‘evil’ like they are often portrayed as in story tales. This species is incredibly fast learners and can teach themselves anything, whether that is another language or a new spell. This ability is unique to them and helps them further their magic quicker but to an extent. At some stage, every Witch/Warlock owns a creature called a Familiar. These beings come in any form and come to the Witch/Warlock in a time of need. Over the years, they help their master though many obstacles in their life. There are many different kinds of Witches/Warlocks. Some specialize in certain things and some have been consumed by the pull of dark magic. Witches/Warlocks have to tread carefully with the magic they use. Death by being burned at the stake was often the penalty for using dark magic or murdering/hurting someone using any sort of witchcraft. If the Witch/Warlock admitted to the crime beforehand, they were killed and then burned instead. Some, however, were beheaded or hanged instead, very rarely some were imprisoned or banished. The reason a witch is often burned at the stake was that fire cleansed all magic and broke any residual spells that they may have cast in their time. Witches/Warlocks have a normal life span, but a few have managed to pull off the darkest and powerful there is, to become immortal.


    [ Elemental Witch/Warlock ] An Elemental Witch or Warlock is just like most of their other subspecies, except they specialize in elemental magic. The reason for this is because they are more at peace with themselves and the world around them. Due to their usual calm and collected personalities, they are one with the elements. This makes it easier to control them and use them to their full potential. They are more powerful than a lot of other witches/warlocks because they can wield four different elements, fire, air, water and terra, all of which, are handy for one reason or another. Only the strongest can use all four at once or combine magics to create a huge and often dangerous, spell. Most, however, are just limited to one element at a time. This subspecies of witch/warlock, are also less likely to be influenced by dark magic because of their nature and more often than not, see the good in everyone and are dedicated to their cause and those close to them.


    Cayro takes his power from the sea, knowing the most strongest water magic there is. He studied all kinds of spells involving the substance. It is because of this, he is better in the presence of water and specialises in very powerful weather magic. He can make tornadoes, whirlpools, tsunamis and hurricanes, as well as manipulate water, freeze it, boil it and bend it to his will. Anything, any place, if there is water, he can use it, which even includes the water within a person. If there is none around, he also knows some magic to conjure some. He wields a unique broadsword named Interfectorem, The Soul Slayer. It is known as the strongest sword on Kaynika, able to cut through bone, armour of any kind, even the scales of a dragon. It is also said to be unbreakable. Being a heavy weapon, most cannot use it, but he trained daily to be able to lift it.

  • History

    Cayro comes from a long line of pirates and because of that, he lived on the sea his whole life. His upbringing taught him many things, things no average person could comprehend, especially at such a young age. As he grew older, he earned his place among the crew, proving time and time again, that he was very capable. The team respected and loved him like one of their own children. His mother, Daina, was the one and only woman in their group, making history when she became a pirate. His father, Killion, loved her with all his heart and everything he did was for her. Together, they were known as the fiercest pirates on Kaynika, which gave him a lot to live up to. It put pressure on him and he went through a teenage phase of not listening to them and making stupid decisions. Even so, when the crew needed him, he never failed to show up. When he turned nineteen, he was just starting to straighten out his behaviour, but their ship was attacked one day. It was a powerful group of pirates, with a leader that wielded a sword unlike any other. After killing a few members, he went straight for Daina. The broadsword cut clean through. Cayro was forced to watch, while his father immediately picked up his weapon and shot the attacker in the head. When he was dead, the rest of the pirates turned and left. After the great loss everyone suffered, Killion was not the same. It tore his family apart, and in turn, killed him as well. He even used the same sword that took his wife, to end his own life. This forced Cayro to take control of the ship, for without him, the group of pirates would fall apart. He continued his family’s legacy, constantly reminded of all the times he no longer shares with his parents. He keeps wondering whether they would be proud of him, or disappointed at the choices he made. There are times when it brings him down, but everything he does, he does for them. The sword he currently has, is the one that took his parents from him. He was intending on using it to cut down the remainder of pirates who fled that one fateful night. By the time he found them, it was too late. A beast had sunk their ship, killing almost all who was on board. The only ones that survived was Cynthia and her sister, who were unfortunate enough to have been there at such a time. Instead of getting his revenge on the pirates, he had to settle for tracking down the creature that got to them before he did.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    Cayro grew up as a pirate. His father was one, as well as his mother, so the sea is all their son ever knew. He lives on their ship, The Lady of the Storm, among his crew. The Lady of the Storm is known as the oldest pirate ship to date, all her rivals doomed by the oceans secrets. While her name is not so old, she had been on the sea for six hundred and forty years. Previously called ‘Arilynn’, she has seen her fair share of battles and boarded a long line of pirates, known as the fiercest on Kaynika. Up until one hundred and sixteen years ago, she remained unsinkable, a devastating force that destroyed all in her way. Around this time, however, a certain event caused them to force a change. From the sky, a being fell. It was large with a strange metallic armour. The fire that came from it was extinguished the moment it landed in the Kaynika ocean. The ship that was nearby at the time, was almost destroyed in the large waves it created, but the crew were mostly unharmed, thanks to a woman who emerged from what they believed to be a monster. She contained unimaginable weather power and addressed herself as Storm. They thought of her as a Goddess of sorts, even renaming their ship after her. While the crew who had seen her are gone, the current crew only know of her as Lady Storm, the one who gave them purpose.

  • Ancestry

    • Cayro's ancesters were also pirates
    • His father was a warlock
    • His mother was the first woman pirate in history


    • His feelings for Cynthia
    • He is secretly a good dancer
    • He was considering retiring from being a pirate since his parents died


    • There are the same amount of pirates on his ship as there are on Cynthia's
    • His ship was named Lady of the Storm due to a mysterious lady who seemingly fell from the sky
    • Cayro can manipulate any and all water, even the water within another persons body