


4 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Kaynika (The Realm of Dragons)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Pirate/Gunner
    • Religion Incendit/Incenditem
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age One Hundred and Twenty Eight
    • Species Drakōn


    Caidyn has dirty blonde hair which barely covers his ears. His eyes are golden, where the pupil is slit, a feature of his dragon-like species. He also has patches of scales, mostly on his back and along his arms. This gives him extra durability, but he often covers them up under more armour. His usual outfit consists of shoulderplates and a cuirass, the armour that covers the chest and back. It is made up of golden dragon scales. He also has a simple long sleeved shirt underneath, which is a grey brown colour. His black trousers are tucked into his dark knee high boots and a grey headband is tied around his head. The ship’s logo is in blue, where a dragon wraps around an anchor. Around his waist, he has a simple red ribbon, which supports the weight of his black belt. Tied on his waist, he has a simple red ribbon that supports the weight of his black belt. Attached to it, he has his broadsword and two lengths of a pole. This pole is able to connect, becoming one long weapon that he can adjust to his liking. Apart, when clashed together, they can create a sound that brings everyone but him to their knees. When joined together, it is able to cause seismic waves if he pounds it against the ground. It also gives him a number of ways to call his dragon to his side. People call it, ‘The Sonic Conductor’. He calls it ‘Sonos’.


    • BUILD Well built, muscular

    • FOOD Steak
    • COLOUR Gold and silver
    • ANIMAL Dragons
    • SETTING Flying upon his dragons back
    • WEATHER Clear skies, hot weather
    • DRINK Coffee
    • NUMBER Four
    • GENRE Thriller
    • ACTIVITY Spending time with his dragon
    • TIME OF DAY Midday


    • Strength
    • Respect
    • Dragons


    • Dragon Poachers
    • Disloyal people
    • Weakness


    • Hanging out with his dragon
    • Sparring/Fencing
    • Treasure Hunting

    Caidyn is known for being a bit of a hothead. Because of this, his team has to be wary about what they say around him. He is easily angered and his emotions can, at times, get out of control. It is also easy for him to offend others, as he tends to not think before he speaks which leads to him saying some very rude things. He is driven by ambition, needing to know he is making a difference, which is why he took Tempest into his care. He is very protective and would stand by his friends side to the very end, never swaying where his loyalties lie. There are times where he may be a little overprotective, but he usually knows when he takes things too far. He is also very bold and brave, not afraid to take risks and confident in the abilities of his team. No risk is without calculation. He makes sure to assess the situation, rule out the options and make sure to put his unique outlooks to use.


    • Ambitious
    • Brave
    • Loyal


    • Hothead
    • Over protective
    • Does not think before he speaks


    Caidyn found a young dragon called Tempest. Upon meeting her, he had the desire to protect her, but his father did not approve. Because of this, he left to be with his new friend, dedicated to being by her side. After meeting Cayro, the two joined the group of pirates, prepared to protect each other from anything.


    • Losing his dragon, Tempest
    • Going soft/Losing his strength


    • Does not think before he speaks
    • Makes lists for even the little things


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Blunt/Straightforward, sometimes rude
    • COMMON STARTER “Speak!”
    • SWEARS? Occasionally
    • QUIRKS Always looks people directly in the eyes when talking to them
  • Species

    [ Drakōn ] The Drakōn are separates into two subspecies, the Dragoon and the Dragon Rider. They are complete opposites in some ways, yet also share a few things in common. The history of the Drakōn goes way back in history. They were born around the time of the dragons and were made to be their allies. Being a Drakōn is not always hereditary, but most do come from a long line of Drakōn. It is said to become one you must have the blood of a dragon in your veins. Out in the world, they would be drawn to a particular dragon that they are then spiritually linked to and can call them to their side no matter the distance. They also live as long as their dragon and feel their emotions and more. If their dragon dies, so do the Drakōn and vice versa.


    [ Dragoon ] The Dragoon is one out of two subspecies of Drakōn. Unlike the Dragon Rider, this one is less human and more dragon in nature and looks. The Dragoon, like the other subspecies, have a dragon, one which they are connected too no matter the distance between them. The difference is, this one is not just able to feel their emotions and their pain, but also speak to them and hear their thoughts. They know them, inside and out, and will protect them unconditionally, just like they will do the same for them. The Dragoon are born with powers that match the ability of their dragons, and the strength of their magic is boosted when the two are together.


    Caidyn is a Dragon Rider, with a few unique dragon-like attributes. He has golden eyes and scales in places he can easily hide under his heavy armour. Due to these features, his sight is heightened and his endurance is more than any man. He is a strong fighter and can call upon his dragon, Tempest, no matter where she is. The two are spiritually linked, able to hear each other's thoughts and feel their pain. They know when the other is in danger and will automatically come to their aid. When together, they are both stronger in mind and body. He has a pole about three feet long. They are able to attach, becoming one long weapon that he can adjust to his liking. Apart, when they clash together, they can create a sound that brings all except from him, down to their knees. Joined together, it is able to cause seismic waves when pounded against the ground. It also gives him a number of ways to call his dragon to his side. People call it, ‘The Sonic Conductor’. He calls it ‘Sonos’.

  • History

    Caidyn originated from Elinsire, residing in Aurelius Town, a beautiful place where he lived with his father. He was an only child and never got along with his mother, who had divorced her husband. They both come from a long line of Dragon Riders, despite neither inheriting the powers of one. Even Caidyn, despite coming from the blood of two, seemed to not possess any abilities. As he grew up and the family separated, he continued to only prove he was like any normal human. Hitting his teens, he began to grow secretive. Little did his father know, scales began to appear up his arms, continuing to spread each day. This freaked him out, unsure of what was happening. One night, he woke up. It was pitch black outside, but he had a strange feeling there was something waiting for him outside. He followed his gut, sneaking out the front door while his father slept. Wandering through the sand of the DragonScale Desert, he noticed something, dragon tracks. That was not unusual, but something about these ones made him follow. After walking for a bit longer, he found what he was looking for. In the sand dunes, two dragons fought. They were young, but one was bigger, clearly winning. The smaller one, however, was Tempest, the dragon who Caidyn would take on as his partner. After saving her from the dragon who bullied her, the two went back to Caidyn’s home. He did not want his father to know, however, choosing to keep the small dragon secret. Eventually, his father found out, not approving and angry at the fact his son did not tell him. He refused to house Tempest, but Caidyn would not leave her side. Without a family, she could not survive on her own. This is why he walked out on his father, deciding that the only family he and Tempest needed was each other. He travelled with her for years. The dragon has the ability to find treasure, which was how they managed after starting with nothing. Along the way, she found him a seemingly ordinary rod. After convincing him it was useful, he tried it himself, finding out it could cause seismic waves when he pounded against the ground. Taking it, he soon found Cayro’s ship. They were accepting of him, allowing him and his dragon to accompany them, just as long as Tempest flew everywhere. To this day, he remains a member of their crew.


    Caidyn originated from Elinsire. He was born in Aurelius Town. This place is unique, with glass sculptures decorating the town and buildings almost entirely made from glass. Due to this, large dragons are not usually allowed within the town, but smaller ones are always welcome. The citizens have even given jobs to a very particular dragon that comes and goes. This dragon is one often used to guide the blind due to its nature and size. Here, however, the dragon soars just above the town, watching the streets before, flying down to help any and all who need it. While in flight, it also casts a rainbow down upon the buildings and through the glass, causing a stunning effect that brightens up the citizens' days. Caidyn lived here with his father as an only child, his parents separated and mother rarely speaking to either of them.

    Current Residence

    After Caidyn left his father and life behind, he and his dragon began travelling together. This adventure led them to meeting Cayro and crew. They were accepting of them, so they chose to join the pirates. This is why he now finds himself on the Lady of the Storm, a pirate ship named after a mysterious lady who seemingly fell from the sky.

  • Ancestry

    • Caidyn comes from a long line of Dragon Riders
    • Both of his parents had not inherited the Dragon Rider abilities, as it skips every second generation, making him stronger than the both of them
    • His ancestors were skilled warriors and dragon trainers


    • Secretly likes cute animals
    • Snuck out of the house and left without telling his father where he was going or what he was doing


    • The ship he is on is called Lady of the Storm due to a mysterious lady who seemingly fell from the sky
    • There are the same amount of pirates on their ship as there are on Cynthia's
    • Caidyn inherited the dragon rider gene because his parents did not, since it is passed on every second generation