William Stephen Kramer



4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


60 (as of 1894)


March 29, 1834



Hair Color

Black, greying

Eye Color

Pale Blue


Admiral in the Arkstern Sky Navy




Energy Generation, Level 3




  • Crispin Kramer II (Father - Deceased) + Myrtle Kramer (Mother - Deceased)
    • Siblings: Richard, John (Deceased; died in combat), Clarence (twin), and Crispin III (twin)
  • Spouse: Catherine Kramer

  • Parents moved to Arkstern from Kygridam; William is a first generation Arkstern Kramer, along with the rest of his siblings.
  • Close to his brothers, John and Clarence, as the three of them were the middle children.  Went into the Arkstern navy at the same time as them and he served alongside with Clarence.  The brothers found out about John dying in combat while they were on shore leave.  John's death devastated their father, Crispin, and he was never the same way again; Crispin's mind began to go when he was in his late forties and couldn't be helped by any Healers or Telepaths.  One of the things he would do was have the servants set a place for John, as he "expected him home soon."  He continued to live in the delusion that his son was still alive right up until his dying day.
  • Myrtle Kramer always wanted a daughter and was slightly disappointed that she had only sons.  She spent time with a family close to their own who had daughters and doted on them, even aiding them financially, while she let her husband look after their boys.  She also liked to spend money frivolously (she came from a family that was rigid when it came to spending money), and bought a lot of useless things that decorated the house.
  • William, John, and Clarence were the first of the Kramers to switch over to Arkstern's newly-formed Sky Navy in their early adulthood.  Richard and Crispin III went into military law and banking respectively.
  • William was never very good at expressing his emotions, and always kept things bottled up.  He only shows his true self to his wife, Catherine, and his daughters.  Like his father, he had a hard time relating to his son, so he is a bit rough on Hector.
  • Has used his Magus to intimidate when threatened and is masterful in using it; can transform the Energy into a green, fiery substance around himself that makes him look like some sort of otherworldy being.
  • Extremely judgemental of the young men who court/courted his daughters.  Only wants the best for his girls and sends those not worthy packing with merely a cold look.
  • Has a mechanical leg but doesn't bring attention to it.  Lost it during his final tour of duty before finally accepting a position as an admiral and giving up his captaincy.

Magus: Energy Generation, Level 3

Encompasses all of the previous Levels of Energy Generation (ability to control other forms of energy, ability to convert one form of energy into   another), while also being able to generate their own source of energy; ranges from small to  large scale.


Sir Galahad - Jason Graves,