Lorenzo Dimont



4 years, 6 months ago




Lorenzo Dimont










True Neutral


Lorenzo Dimont, called Enzo by everyone, is the Astronomy professor at Hogwarts. He started out at Beauxbatons, in France before transferring to Hogwarts. He attended and graduated from Beauxbatons. His goal in life is to find a cure for a blood curse his family was hit with 287 years ago by a magic user. He has purposely put runes on his body to further his journey towards this goal. He started his search when he was 10, 2 years after he found his father's body when the man passed because of the blood curse. He has a pet Eostrix owl named Bazzo. She was found two years prior to Enzo transferring to Hogwarts when Enzo was visiting his adoptive brother Anders.

After discovering his father's body, he began developing a panic disorder. By the time he was 10 years old, he had fully developed a panic disorder and his hair went white from extreme amounts of stress. He worked hard with the help of those around him to find answers. He adores the topic of Astronomy and related topics. It's his true passion in life, which led him to teach the subject. He began enchanting his glasses in his early teenage years as he got bullied and made fun of for having heterochromia. His eye colors are one brown and one gold. He has major insecurities that stem from how people treated him when he young about his eye colors.


Enzo can come off as reserved or withdrawn by most. He has a heart that leads him to want to protect those around him at any cost. He would do anything within his power to keep those around him out of danger. If he begins having a nose bleed, he will have a panic attack as he is terrified that it is the beginning signs of the blood curse developing. He gets very panicky very easily. He doesn't let others in when it comes to romantic relationships and he doesn't think he is worthy of finding love. Too many times he had let people in when they were charmed by his Veela side, but when said people found out about the blood curse that runs through his family they ran.

When Enzo isn't overwhelmed by his thoughts and fears, he has a pretty cheerful and playful exterior. If someone can get him talking about his passion or what he enjoys, there is a twinkle in his eyes and his smile can be contagious. His favorite thing in the world is Astronomy. He can talk for hours about the topic. However, he does enjoy hearing about other's passions. He tries his best to be as supportive to those around him.


Glasses, stars, the color combination blue and gold, runes, telescopes, and glowing lights.

code by zodia

character image by realtense
aesthetic image by octavian rosca