


8 years, 1 month ago


Name: CrimsonRat

Godly Aliases: Claudia Pendragon (sort of), God of the Hand

Pronouns: she/her, he/him

Moral Alignment: Chaotic good

Color Rank: Secondary

Color Group: Red

Allegiance: Crimson Mischief


God of: Martial Arts

Symbols: Horned beetles, boxing gloves, cloth bandages, martial arts belts

Sui Generis: Bloody Brotherhood

Description: CrimsonRat can form her magic into red energy. She can either use this energy on herself (charging her arms up with it to increase the speed at which she punches, charging up her legs to make herself run faster, etc.), or she can unleash it on foes.
When she's fighting alongside friends or allies, she can channel those allies' "fighting spirit", and change the effects of the blasts to match their colors' elements. (Scalding water for blue color rats, flaming coconuts for pink rats, fire for red rats, etc.). The effects vary wildly if she's fighting alongside a cryptid color or an Adjustor. 

Magic Weapon: Red-and-black boxing gloves. She can take off the boxing gloves to reveal brass knuckles with wide, blunt spikes on them. She usually wears cloth wrappings under the gloves and knuckles. 

Patron Of:



Personality: CrimsonRat is extremely energetic, she's constantly bouncing all over the place and she talks extremely fast. She's one hell of a go-getter, and likes taking on challenging tasks for no other reason than because she thinks it'd be fun. (The more impossible, the better!)

She is friendly as hell and loves making friends, but she loses her temper fast, and is completely and entirely willing to seek vengeance. She also gets frustrated fast over seemingly-minor things, and if it keeps bugging her, her anger tends to escalate. (Though in most cases, minor frustrations fade quickly). She'll easily and quickly forget minor infractions and hurts, but if you do something heinous or hurt her badly, she will never forgive you for it.

History: CrimsonRat used to run around with the Red mischief, and in all honesty she was pretty content there. She got to spar with people, she got to joke about arson with RedRat... life was good!
Things started taking a turn for the bizarre when, on a walk, she was attacked by a towering rat from her own mischief. She'd never met him before, but he fought with intent to kill or kidnap. She put up a fight and pinned him to the ground, at which point he asked her to kill him. She obliged his request.
Right then and there, another rat emerged from the lands, mock-applauding CrimsonRat and saying she'd killed his "servant", JasperRat. He asked her to hand over JasperRat's pigment, and she refused and fought him.
She never got a chance to attack further, as he ran away far before the fight was over. CrimsonRat then bore JasperRat's pigment back to the nest.
When JasperRat finally reformed, he immediately found CrimsonRat and bowed before her, saying he would serve her til his death if she wished. And she accepted, because why not?
Unfortunately, trying to figure out who JasperRat had been in service to proved to lead to dead ends. He somehow couldn't remember. But it did lead them to looking into the Serpent and all her allies' dastardly deeds, and to CrimsonRat declaring an ambition to "kick BleachedRat's ass". JasperRat suggested that she gather some allies before she tried it... and then they set out to do just that!

Voice Claim:

Theme Song: Sonic Syndicate- Start A War (Zardonic Remix)


- She can understand the language of beetles!
- She founded the Crimson Mischief, a small group of rats dedicated to beating the shit out of BleachedRat (and perhaps his allies as well!)
- The Crimson Mischief's base is regularly attacked by YellowRat's forces, because he wants to renovate the old Greco-Roman-esque temple to better fit his aesthetic. CrimsonRat doesn't care. She probably relishes the challenge.
- She can understand beetle-speak.
- The effects of her Sui Generis and her red color grant her some pyrokinesis. She likes to joke about committing arson.
- There was once a Crimsonmancer who was such an accomplished martial artist, and so strong with her Gift, that many people believed she was CrimsonRat incarnate. Her name was Claudia Pendragon, and even now, many of her descendants are 'mancers, serving under a red secondary