


7 years, 10 months ago


A very temperamental little Luduan who has a morbid obsession with learning about others.




*Basic Note drop for character design*

Disclaimar that Yun-zi and his creation is based on a myth that has very little information on the creature so a lot of what has been made for their design is original in context and despite sharing a name similar base to a creature of chinese myth they are more of an orginal concept than actually factually linked to said beast.

He's based on the Chinese myth of a creature by the name of a Luduan. An incense burner created to summon and hold a beast that can tell truth from lie. They are held inside the burner and if the burner breaks they die. They were made in pairs and created to serve the emperor. They are loyal to the one to whom they serve and will not fully answer or serve anyone who is not their master. Yet have a habit of butting in when they hear a lie spoken into the air.

It is good to note that Opinion and Fact are two different things and if worded in particular ways the Luduan will state that what the person speaks can not be trusted as it is not a fact of the world.

They can read and understand every language but can not write it themselves. Only those created to serve under an emperor can tell a lie when it's written vs those made by the hand of an uncertified crafter can not. Their physical body is that of the burner itself so the form they take outside of it is purely made of smoke and therefore is not real. Though, this is the only form in which they can move, speak, and act.

They are made alongside another luduan as a pair and these two are specially bonded. The closest connection one can put to them is Soul Mates but even this fails to fully explain the connection between a luduan and their creation partner. A luduan will betray their Emperor for their creation partner even if it results in their death. A luduan serves each other first and the physical plane second.

To summon a luduan one must light an incense cone dropped inside the chest of the burner. Each luduan has particular scent attached to their creation and in order to summon that luduan no other scent can be used. The use of the wrong scent may actually bring harm to the luduan that dwells within its burner. In Yun-zi's case his is sandalwood. His partner's is Opium.