Homecomb Shy



4 years, 10 months ago


“As I’ve learned from numerous friendship adventures... Everything is out to kill you.”

Full Name: Honeycomb Shy

Nickname(s): Honey, Hon, Honeybuns (Taffy)

Species: Pegasus; Though their wings are far too tiny to lift himself off the ground.

Gender:  Genderqueer (They/Them)

Sexuality:  Homoromantic-Asexual  

Age: 17

Parents: Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps Shy

Sibling(s): Duckling Shy (Younger Sister), Nature Walk Shy (Younger Sister)

Partner: N/A

Personality: Introverted/shy, gentle, kind-hearted and caring, resourceful (mainly because of they position as a gardener), and accepting of everypony, no matter their species or background (they know what it’s like to be bullied for something you can’t control, and they refuse to let anypony they know experience such struggles).

Fatal Flaws: Weak, easily frightened, dislikes adventuring (unlike the rest of their friends, who cheerfully drag them along kicking and screaming), doesn’t socialize much and isn’t good with confrontation, and rarely voices their opinions/opens up to anypony due to their irrational fear of burdening those around them with their “unnecessary” problems.

Special Talent: Gardener

Cutie Mark Story: When Honeycomb was around 12 years old, they went on a fieldtrip with their fellow classmates to a nearby nursery, where they learned to care for nature/gardens and - with the help of a few chaperones - were even allowed to magically plant a seedling of their own. 

At the end of the day, each young foal went home with a small tree (nestled inside one of the many delicate clay pots they’d painted earlier in the afternoon). Honey, after finally squeezing their way through the shifting crowd of exited foals, was eventually stuck with puniest little runt of a sprout in the lot... They’d assumed it’d only last a couple of days, at most. 

Even so, the gentle student proceeded to follow every instruction provided by their teacher, in hopes their tiny tree would somehow survive. 

Miraculously, after a year of nursing the tiny seedling back to life, it somehow managed to be the only plant in the class to survive the harsh winter (their other classmates either didn’t care, or weren’t precise enough to keep their sprouts alive). 

It it was at this point Honeycomb realized that caring for nature was their passion; their destiny. With that realization came a piercing flash of light, followed by a brand new Cutie Mark.

Base - SelenaEde: https://www.deviantart.com/selenaede/art/Mudbriar-Base-746666412