Thomas Kaardan



4 years, 6 months ago


1:16 3:11

Thomas Kaardan
Makof | he/him | 25

Eviet is a vast world full of dangers, and Thomas has had to face many of the worst. He now roams the lands with his troupe helping anyone in need for in exchange for coin. While compensation is required, he truely enjoys helping people. He's a kind soul and does his best to better the world.

  • Sparing
  • Animals
  • Gardening
  • Cold Weather
  • Thunder
  • Mushrooms

I was scared. Scared you would not know me...

Neutral-Good | Loyal | Kind
Leader Class-Clown Hard Worker

Thomas is a gentle giant, he cares for his friends and will always be there for them. He's easy to talk to and will help anyone if they're in need. Rysio constantly reminds him that to live they need to be paid for that work, he only rolls his eyes. Rye and Thomas have been through a lot together. War and the recovery process of that wasn't kind to either of them, they needed one another's support.

Although Thomas is always cheery there is a side to him that he doesn't show. Deep down he feels an immovable guilt. A guilt has been left to grow and eat at him. He doesn't know how long he can keep it inside.


Scared I had changed beyond recognition...

6'8 | Athletic | Confident
designer | SeldomSimone | not for sale

Makofs are a people native to Fiell. They share a common ancestor with the saiti people who still dwell in the Northern mountains bordering Fiell and Asporia. The saiti are a deer-like people with digitigrade legs and low coned ears. They evolved for colder weather and have a coat of thin fur that runs along their bodies. Saiti faces are not flat and instead they have short muzzles. Their noses are very strong as to better hunt down game.

When their common ancestor (now extinct, Equinu) ventured out of the woods and into the grasslands they evolved into makof. Longer ears and raised feet allowed them to see and hear the dangers of the open grassland. The sun of Fiell was harsh and over time fur became darker skin. Makofs' also have more sloped brow and arched nose compared to their cousins the saiti. They took to hunting the savannah's animals and growing crops on fertile soil. Both races have tails though the makofs' are far more thin and long.

Makofs are a social people, their day to day society is very interwoven with each other. To be without each other is to be without life. Many travel in troupes of actors and showmen putting on plays and carnivals around Fiell. Those that choose to stay in one place live in villages that these troupes visit on their routes. Larger cities within Fiell have many makof citizens as well.

The troupes not only put on plays, symphonies, and carnivals but collect pelts and items from around Fiell. They trade these items in cities and towns. There are many makof that do not wish to partake in the stage acts and instead make jewelry, mech., clothing, etc... to sell.

Heavy rings called kyfta are worn on a makof's tail when they are married. A new kyfta is placed on every year the couple are together. A longer bracelet-like jewelry is also worn, some do this for larger anniversaries or after birthing children. The more responsibility a makof has is shown by how much they are carrying on their tail.

They speak both, common, as well as the language of their people, Ielden. This language is often intermixed with common in sentences around troupes. Children are raised to know both common, spoken while doing plays, and Ielden, around other makof. Many living within cities mostly speak common and there are very few towns left that speak purely Ielden.

  • Thomas is bilingual. He speaks Common and basic Ielden (the language of his people).
  • While trained in the military to cast simple Rift spells Thomas doesn't practise magic.
  • Makof's ringed iris may have subtle hints of color to them. Thomas's is tinted brown.

I'm sorry for not coming sooner...

Regression to the mean...
Early Life

Miles and Sanja first met in the Wijer Maeinin Producion (Wonder of Madness Production). Miles had been a mechanic in a town that the production happened to travel through. He had gone to watch the event they were putting on and immediately fell in love with Sanja, who was performing in the trapeze. He requested to join and told them he could make machines for their production. The makofs within the production were very welcoming and invited him in.

Miles wasted no time in trying to get to know Sanja and they quickly bonded. A few years passed until Miles asked her to marry him by offering her a kyfta he’d welded. Only a little over a year after his proposal did Sanja give birth to their first child, Vera. Thomas came a year after and the troupe loved the new additions, caring for these children as if they were their own.

The family remained in the production for another 6 years before deciding they wanted to settle down in a town they’d been traveling to regularly. The production promised they’d continue to visit and the Kaardans bought a house with money the troupe helped provide. Miles found a job working on mechanical replacement parts while Sanja took care of the children at home. Vera took a liking to mechanics and Thomas helped tend to Sanja’s passion project, her garden.

They lived a simple and content life. The production still visited once or twice a year and the Kaardans were always happy to see the troupe. Thomas loved hanging out with the stage actors and pretending he was a great warrior bouncing about, adorned in fake armor and wielding a flimsy sword. His sister mocked him for it but Thomas loved the theatrics of it too much to be bothered by his older sister.

The Conflict

Thomas was around sixteen when The Conflict began. The violence happening just over the mountains didn’t concern him but after about three years his own country decided to aid Asporia in the fight. By now he was 19 and excited to explore the world. Enlisting in the military was just what he wanted. His family attempted to talk him out of it, afraid for his safety but his mind was already made up. He left Fiell only a month after joining and while training in Asporia, made friends with Rysio, a Picker only a year younger than him. Together they fought side by side for four years.

During his second year Thomas became good acquaintances with a kugo officer. The kugos were being imported from Fiell as messenger dogs. They ran messages across the lines to other soldiers. Thomas took a liking to the kugos and eventually was helping out with their care and loading messages. He took over protection of one of the kugos named Koa and they became quite close.

One rather bad day in a battle Thomas was told Koa needed to run a message through an active explosive zone to a general. Thomas tried to talk them out of it, claiming if he went it was unlikely he would return. The officer commanded him to stand down and that the kugo was nothing but an asset that could be easily replaced. Thomas was dissmissed and forced to watch as Koa left in the direction of danger.

When he didn’t return a few hours later Thomas grew worried and decided to go looking for him against his commanders orders. Thomas went out in the direction Koa had left from and only a half hour away found Koa, laying motionless, a pool of blood and tissue the only remnants of his hind leg. He had stepped on a Felling calling sign and it had gone off on him, tearing off his right leg.

In a panic Thomas wrapped the stub that was left and carried him back, praying he would survive. Luckily, Koa was strong and lived through the injury upon returning. Alexsei, the medic serving there, managed to stop the bleeding and heal him in a few weeks time. Thomas was told to not waste his time on the mutt and that with the loss of a limb he’d have to be put down anyway.

Determined to not let Koa be put down, Thomas put his limited knowledge of mechanics to work by creating Koa a new leg. The first versions were quite sloppy but Koa could walk again, even run. The pair were inseparable and Koa was ever loyal to Thomas, saving his life on multiple occasions. Once they no longer needed kugos to run messages, his commanding officer allowed Koa to stay under his protection. Allowed is used loosely though, as Thomas practically threatened him into letting Koa be under his care.