Yona Lars Trager



7 years, 8 months ago


Name: Yona Lars Trager (Don’t...call him anything but Trager. For your own safety.)

Alas: It’s Trager, got it

Age: 93 (About 36 in relation to humans)

Race: Tegenarian (an alien species)

Ethnicity: Speaks in a cockney British, though is from the planet Noinov.

Gender: ??? Male, he/him

Height: 5’11”

Occupation: Loves to kill people and eat them, also takes money to kill people.

Affiliation: Mercenary

Rank: A bit more low-key, though even just his general demeanor alone is threatening to most people. He’s rising on the lists, to put it gently.

Class: Definitely somewhat of a notable threat, though there’s lots of people involved with the mercenary occupation so it’s hard to pin it all down and punish correctly.

Personality: Trager is a tough, lone wolf sort of brute. He carries around the tough-guy attitude in his stance and demeanor, but usually doesn't say much unless it's needed, or he gets pissed off...which isn't that hard to do, by the way. He's fairly aggressive, and won't listen to you if he thinks what you are saying is worthless, or a load of bullshit. He has his own wicked sense of cruel, twisted humor, and might even crack a few horrible jokes here and there. He usually either takes situations very lightly, or very heavily. A ruthless bastard, he can be nothing short of a pig. Vicious at the best of times, he likes to pick fights even just to show his dominance- He always must be the dominant one, that is, unless he’s getting paid. Then you have...a spec of authority over him, until he gets sick of it.
He isn't so much ‘hateful’ as he is stubborn and angry. Once riled up, Trager is near impossible to calm down and has a habit of refusing to back off, even if he’s ‘losing’. He’ll throw raging fits, and it doesn’t usually end well for anyone involved.
He’s constantly eating, to feed the parasite living within him. Just don’t fuck with this guy, he’s an angry, head-strong shit-head.

Background: Trager is born to a species of humanoid, independent and fairly primitive aliens who formally go by ‘ Tegenarians’. They’re native to the planet Noinov, and reside within the plentiful bogs littered about the planet. Despite the fact they look humanoid, Tegenarians are born with a powerful, aggressive ‘parasite’ to which their bodies host until death comes to claim the codependent couple.
Merely a slave to this parasite, Tegenarians spend their extended lives in constant hunger, always hunting for and looking to harvest their next meal with hopes to please the parasites and escape the painful, gnawing hunger for a couple good night's rest. Because of the need to consistently feed and consume in large quantities, Tegenarians act as a strong population control towards the massive insects and larger, more hostile creatures that lurk in the marshes of Noinov, much to the appreciation of the human/alien residents that live in the tree cities.
Tegenarians, much like all the other bog creatures, prefer their life on the ground and hardly bother themselves with the cities in the trees- unless, like Trager, they found themself curious.

At one point, he finally managed to wander up into the cities, and everything quickly fascinated him more than he’d anticipated- not the way everything lit up, or how people lived, acted, spoke; no, Trager was more interested in how the people looked, and above all, tasted.
He’d always been interested in tasting the different kinds of delicious looking aliens up above, and it all culminated on the day he managed to sink his teeth into a delicious alien girl, finding his taste buds beaming with joy at the discovery.
He liked this much more than his previous life. 

Eventually, after selling off these delicious, foreign meats to his kind, he made enough money to fly to Erilia where the economy was booming and the aliens were plenty.  He tried to do here as he had done back at home, but soon found out that people didn’t take too kindly to killing or being harvested, for that matter. He was driven to the more slummy part of town where he set up shelter in a worn-down, abandoned barn. Apparently the humans of Erilia and aliens got along.
After hearing of the mess that Trager had brought with him upon entry to Erilia, Trager was approached by an anonymous figure. They had commissioned him, for a good price, to murder someone. How peculiar, yet how very confusing...some people hated death, and some people were so desperate for it they were willing to pay money. Trager agreed to do the job, but he didn’t exactly know how to navigate this sort of lifestyle, and needed help.

The person hiring him was a part of a tough ‘biker gang’, and prior to allowing Trager, (who asked very insistently) into the gang, they put him through several tests.
He had proved himself in a short time, and was taught about everything he could want to know about this new lifestyle. He was set up with a motorcycle, and a helmet to conceal his alien-outlandishness, and then cast off to hunt out this bounty and murder them.
Once he returned from his hunt, he was paid. This was the sort of job he wanted. It was easy- all he had to do was kill, eat them if he was hungry, and come back and get his cash! After sticking around with the gang for a while, he became annoyed with the aliens that were also a part of it. He didn’t want to be around something he killed and ate, they were FOOD not friends.

He murdered the aliens in his gang, and ate them. The leader had caught him in the act, and the two got into one hell of a fight, but no human was superior to a beast. Trager sighed to himself, and took off on his own after stealing the leader’s tiger painted motorbike. He had always liked it. Especially the tiger.

Even though he had lost his gang, he had found who he truly was. A ruthless, cold-blooded killer with no remorse. He was a mercenary. He was a bounty hunter. He didn’t mind being on his own though, he had an easy time fending for himself, and settling down. However, whenever he manages to run into a biker gang, he roughs them up a bit just for the hell of it, a ‘challenge’ he loves to give himself to prove he is superior by far. He doesn’t see the point of gangs anymore. And whenever he runs into a particularly delicious looking alien…well. Be careful.

Eventually, he winds up working with a bounty hunter/merc by the name of Sven, and is taught in the ways of ‘technology’. He hates it.

Abilities: Has an impenetrable spot on his back where the parasite resides. 

Parasite bursts through his back and gives him an extra set of spider/crab like legs, which are rock solid and able to carry his weight. 

He’s quite strong, and could pick up a car if he wanted to. 

Can heal a bit faster than a normal human, and wouldn’t need to see a hospital for some occasions. (A broken bone, say.)

Weaknesses: Trager has all/most weaknesses of a regular human, except for his back. The parasite is thick in this area, and can not be penetrated.

-Don’t mess with that guy...bad news. Super bad news.
-Anyone who’s seen his place knows he lives in a dumpster, and they’ve also certainly seen his CATS. This brings on the rumour he has a soft spot- which would be incorrect, he just really likes cats.

-He isn’t very bright, which is certainly something.
-It’s worth noting that the parasite residing within his body, despite it being a coexistence, causes his species pain and it is VERY DEMANDING in wanting to be fed. Half the time he only eats so much to keep the parasite satiated.

-Has purple blood!
-Is obsessed with tigers, seriously, tigers are the coolest thing to him.

-Will shit on everything you love.