


4 years, 6 months ago


Sarcastic. Irritable. Manipulative.
Name Calyk
Nicknames None
Age Unknown
Height 8"9
Occupation Destruction Embodiment
Sexuality Hetreosexual
Theme Song link
Designer Unknown
    Calyk is an unknown entity that seemed to come from nowhere though he has been around for thousand of years it seems since their has been many ancient drawings of calyk in ancient times, depicting him as the reason why there is hate and murder in the world, people seeing him as the embodiment of destruction. Calyk is also known to be the 2nd oldest brother of two other entities known for the embodiment of chaos and the embodiment of hate. Calyk is very sadistic towards most people and takes pleasure seeing mortals and humans fight and kill themselves which then lead to the possesions, Calyk would find mortals that were depressed or wanted revenge, he would then make "deals" with them to let the person have revenge but calyk would need something in return..souls from the person killing others. Every other possesion ended the same way, calyk soon lost intrest and would kill the people he had possesed and take their souls This continued for years until a group of people reasearched on calyk, finding the way to trap him in a void for centuries. The group captured calyk and made a ritual as calyk snarled and cursed that he would come back one day..being sealed away for decades until he was summoned..when calyk emerged he saw a group of teenagers in cloaks, they all praised him, calling him a god but calyk dismissed it as he smiled sinisterly. he killed all the teens, merely crushing all their bodies except for the ring leader. Calyk went to the last teen only to rip every part of his limbs off as calyk let out a cold chuckle. Turning his attention to the satanic circle that had the lifeless body of a female in the center. Calyk went to the female and soon went into her body to give the female life again. The female seemed shocked and startled when calyk spoke to her before he showed his true self, binding the female as he smiled at her, seeing the tears fall down her face as calyk proposed a deal to the girl. A grin formed on his face when the female accepted his deal, his grin turning into a sick smile as he spoke..."Nice to meet you..Zelda"..