


4 years, 7 months ago


Still working on her name and backstory.  Helps cross over animal spirits and kind humans who have died in the forest.

She wears her mask at times of death, and while helping spirits cross over.

She always has flowers on her antlers, unless she extremely overwhelmed by many deaths at once and making multiple trips between physical plane and spirit world in a row.

Personality bullet points.

Overall she is a very calming presence and loves to observe peaceful moments. Those that are happy and sad.



-protective of forest and its creatures.

- very powerful and intimidating when protecting the forest, its creatures and spirits.

-curious from a distance

- loves small woodland creatures and babies.

Unfortunately I don't think the creator/artist is still around on TH and I don't know what other names they might go by online, so if anyone recognises this art please let me know!