


4 years, 6 months ago


  • Name: Chebri (aka Bootsman)
  • Pronouns: he/his
  • Height: Inconsistent. (4′11″ at his tallest) 
  • Ethnicity/Species: Gachapon Imp
  • Birthplace and Birthdate: ???
  • Likes: Spending time on his own, chewing things, schadenfreude, bats, sunsets, hot eats and cool treats
  • Dislikes: Being seen as lesser, not having his desires taken into consideration, working a job he never agreed to, Clwn
  • Phobias: N/A
  • What he would be famous for: Biting a politician 
  • What he would be arrested for: Biting a politician….
  • OC I ship them with: N/A
  • OC most likely to murder him: Clwn
  • Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Cheesy slashers
  • Talents and/or Powers: Regenerative healing factor, (very very limited) telepathy, literal bone-crushing jaws. He’s small, stealthy, and fast. 
  • Weapons: Teeth, sharp little horns, steel-toed boots
  • Why someone might love him: He can be a sweetheart, and is generally pretty level-headed. Even though he can’t speak or use sign language, he’s good at expressing his thoughts through looks alone. Overall a nice boy, even though he’s often exasperated or frustrated. 
  • Why someone might hate him: Gets really frustrated and lashes out physically as a result. Fighty + Bitey. Has trust issues.