


4 years, 7 months ago



alias: LC, lucy

species: pug x eldritch horror

gender: presents as feminine

age: ???

height: 15”

weight: 20lbs

alignment: chaotic neutral

powers: mind control, memory loss, tennis ball thief

Where did it come from, you might ask yourself, for surely this small cosmic abomination is almost completely beyond your comprehension? You would be correct, dear traveller, and I would advise you spend little to no time at all analysing it for you will certainly descend into irreparable madness. It is said the being fell through a sliver of space between our realm and the ‘Other’, nonchalant as a bird into the window of a house, picked itself up and went about it’s unholy business. It’s form altered on it’s arrival, when the creature spotted something small, round and wrinkled in the grass of a countryside garden; a Pug. LC humoured to itself about the bizarre appearance of this alien being, and mirrored itself to some extent, assuming this was the local planetary species in the way a duckling imprints onto the first thing it sees upon hatching. However, LC soon learnt the dominant species were not in fact Pugs, but a rather less intelligent species of furless apes, a form it would never willingly take. When spotted by the local two legged fauna, it’s ethereal appearance causes confusion and panic, apparently dogs with tentacles are not common on this astral plane and so to avoid detection, LC erases the memory of itself from passers by, and frequently takes food if they so happen to be carrying it at the time. The local four legged kind don’t appear to be as startled by Lucy, and it very much enjoys a game of chase and notoriously steals any and all tennis balls, vanishing them back to it’s hoard at an undisclosed location. It has become relatively fond of it’s new realm, so much so that it spends less time causing chaos than on initial arrival, but every now and again the creeping voice of the Old Ones may become too enticing to ignore…