Hamilton Reaves



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Hamilton Reaves

Gender: Male

Species: Mountain Lion

Personality: Cranky

Birthday: September 29th

Catchphrase: "Mrow..."

History: Hamilton comes from a town mostly inhabited by lions. Lions with luxurious manes. Nearly male from his hometown had a mane to be proud of, to the point where it's almost a sign of your status. Well, that's how Hamilton always saw it anyways. Everyday he saw such righteous manes, such power, then only to look in the mirror and see his bare neck. It was so annoying! Why did he have to be born as the one species of lion that couldn't get such hair?! It only gets worse considering fur grew everywhere else, his head of hair being the most notable example of this. He's grown to be anxious about his mane, or the lack thereof it. He's insecure and nervous, wanting nothing more than to prove he's just as powerful as the other lions! This usually leads to him doing rather....idiotic tests of power. He's punched rocks, kicked trees, and headbutted walls....only to fail miserably. This makes him easily peer pressured to do anything really. He can't stand being called a coward or chicken (even though he very much is). On the bright side, he has some decent skills when it comes to climbing, running, and jumping! And he'll never admit it, he does have a hidden love for the guitar and dancing! He hides such hobbies as he doesn't see them as "manly".