Daisy Locke



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Daisy Locke

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Personality: Smug

Birthday: November 8th

Catchphrase: "Lovely!"

History: A star in the big city, many know her as "Diamond Daisy", a popular jazz singer who's voice could soothe anybody facing a bad day. But lately, the stress of being a "perfect lady" has been overwhelming, Everyday, she has to spend hours styling her fur, choosing the PERFECT outfit, booking gigs, vocal routines, choreography, composing, meet-ups, photoshoots, it's all too much!!! The next thing she knew, she started to lose a spark she held so dearly. Her songs were subpar at best, the stage was more of a nuisance than a joy, and her voice began to show less emotion. It was as if her love of music was slowly.....dying. So one faithful day as a last resort, she packed her bags and disappeared without a trace. Now she's here, ready to get a fresh start, maybe she'll even start a new music career!!! Or, at least the motivation to write or sing again would be nice....