Brooklyn Gales



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Brooklyn Gales

Gender: Other (Nonbinary, they/them pronouns)

Species: Cockatiel

Personality: Jock/Uchi

Birthday: June 18th

Catchphrase: "Chicka-Tweet!"

History: Need a workout routine fine tuned just for you? Or maybe you're in search for a new exercise class? Perhaps you just need a local gym-goer to sport you while you lift? Well, then Brooklyn is the bird for you! A self-employed personal trainer, Brook is here to assure you are working the best plan for you! Whether it be making the best course of workout action for you or just hanging out, you are sure to find a friend in them! They are observant, logical, and a huge advocate for proper health! They aren't exactly the best when it comes to admitting they've made a mistake, or frankly, admitting to anything negative.....but hey, if you stay on their good side, then you have one heck of a instructor on your side!