
7 years, 9 months ago


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Name||Cleo Burnfield
Gender|| Female
~~~~{Iᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ Iɴғᴏ}~~~~~

Some may think that because of her fire she would love to burn things. That is simply not true. She has a lot of passion and energy, and puts it to good use. Cleo is easily excited by many things, and if she is truly passionate about something, she will do her best to achieve her goals. Speaking of goals, Cleo has many,very very many. She aspires to be a priestess of one of the few gods or goddesses in the realm, which admittedly has gotten her into a few scrapes and conflicts with another of her goals, which is to be a writer of fantasy or a mechanic. Not all of her goals go together after all. That doen't stop Cleo from trying. She's got confidence that she can do it all, despite being only a mortal. And she thinks outside the box on how she can do it all.

Something that endears her to a lot of people is that she is very genuine in all that she does. She has no ulterior motive, no hidden agenda, nothing like that. Cleo is always speaking from her heart, or at least pretty close to there. Her heart is worn on her sleeve, and she finds it hard to hide herself. The passion that she has for all the things she wants to accomplish in life is found really easily if you watch her when he does those things she likes. Cleo has a lot of optimism for how things will turn out, even if it is highly unlikely that things will turn out as well as she hopes.

Of course, with all this passion and drive to do things, sometimes Cleo finds that there are other people trying to do the exact same thing. So, she makes it a contest. She just has to be first, just has to be the one who get there before the others. She gets really anxious when it comes to her dreams, and really most anything. Competition helps calm her anxiety - sometimes. Most of the time it drives her anxiety way up high, yet Cleo still believes that the contest she holds, even if there actually isn't one, will help her out with that.

As Cleo is working on things, sometimes she gets so focused on one thing that she ends up, well, getting really careless about the rest of the things she has to do. If she get hit with a creative idea, sometimes she will spend days writing a lot, eating cheaply and not doing anything with her home, which gets really quite messy and leaves her with a huge mess to deal with later. She also gets upset over small things, so many have labeled her as very childish. It is hard for Cleo to not take offense, and this leads to some misunderstandings.

Nothing in Cleo's head is organized. She is spontaneous, unpredictable, and never keeps things in the same place, like her schedule is all over the place, and she has a hard time finding things. She tries, but she gets distracted by things. Cleo doesn't have a handle on her impulses as much as she ought to, and while her common sense keeps her from doing really dumb things, she finds herself in situations that she probably could have avoided. This in turn leads her to accidentally disrupting things that she shouldn't have. She is not good with places she ought to be quiet, and she accidentally burns things when she isn't paying attention. Oops.

About Her Flames|| (Authors Note: This is written in the first person from Cleo's POV)
Have you ever been cursed? Not, you know, with no effect, but with some magical consequence? I have, although it was on accident. It hurts! At least, this one does. And no, it wasn't my fault. I'll admit, I was simply in the wrong place in the wrong time. Let me tell you how it happened.

It was quite a few years ago now that it happened. I was merely a young adult back then. I had done a bunch of research as I really really wanted to be a priestess of a god or goddess. That isn't to say that I don't any more. I still do, but I am much more cautious than I was than thanks to this curse.

Anyways, I was out searching for the ancient temple of Eth, goddess of fire. I had read about her in some old book as she seemed to be still in existence although really old and not really well known. I knew it was in the forest near Unicorn Steppes, the place where magic is the most powerful, and that there was a map I could use. I was following that map for a while,and finally, I found the place. And the goddess was there!

The catch? She was angry, and I didn't see with who. At least I had the common sense to hide behind some bushes. I saw her raging and there was definitely someone there. The voice made it clear, and I think it was a male voice. As I watched, she turned towards me, but not because she saw me. Instead, the wolf she was raging at was a bright, and I mean bright, wolf. He was scared, and backing up against the bush I was hiding in.

I heard their whole conversation. Apparently the bright wolf had done something to seriously anger the goddess, and he was pleading for mercy. Finally, she held out one paw (Yes, she is a canine looking deity), and flames burst from her paw and set the bright wolf on fire. The problem? Some of that flame swerved a bit off curse and set my ears on fire. I yelp and hopped out from behind the bush, and me and the bright wolf just kept burning. It hurt, and I am pretty sure I passed out, because I awoke in a comfortable bed inside the temple, still burning, still in pain.

Eth fussed over me, distraught about what she had done. She explained that Pixel, the bright wolf, had seriously offended her, and so she cursed him to burn eternally. The catch was that she didn't know that I was hiding there, and accidentally gave me a bit of the curse too. I was scared, frustrated, but also glad it was an accident. Eth gave me a salve to help numb the pain of the eternal burning because well, at first it would hurt. She couldn't reverse it, but she promised she would help me as much as she could.

By now, I've learned to live with it. Heck, I've even used it to my advantage at times. Yes, it still hurts but there's no way I can fix it now. Or ever really. I do know that I do not want to be Eth's priestess any more, but maybe some other diety at another time. Moral of the story is? Stay far away from angry deities. Far far away.