[Spy] Icarus



7 years, 9 months ago


General Bio
Name: Michael "Icarus" Tomas
Birthday: February 24th, 1989 (26)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: BLU Spy
Pervious Occupation: Student and fast food worker
Birthplace: Connecticut, USA
Current Residence: unknown location
Family: John (father) , Rebecca (mother)
Siblings: Only Child

WARNING: SENSITIVE MATERIAL, TW: SEXUAL ASSAULT and VERBAL AND PHYSICAL ABUSE-- it's vague describing, but I want to be fair to everyone.

Born as Michael, his parents literally worshiped him. They were part of a radical Christian group who believed that he was the angel Michael reborn into a human child of two devout Christians. Since he came to the earth the boy was showered with gifts and he loved it. Prayer group with the other youths on Wednesdays and Sunday school were his favorite things to do. Icarus loved to boss the other kids around and flaunt his reborn angel status. He often did not attend school due to his 'religious status'. His teachers would call his parents worried about his behavior only to find out they were just as crazy. Phone calls reporting odd behavior ceased.

Up until he was about 9 years old he honestly believed he was Michael, then a monster came into his life. The man used his faith in God to taint the little boy's body. It left him broken, and godless. He tried to pretend that he was still the wonderful son his parents thought he was, but it was hard holding it in.

It took years before Icarus finally told his parents the truth about their beloved son. At first they did not believe him for it was impossible for God to make one of his angels a sinner. Soon their blame was turned towards him, they told him that he was "worthless". "You screwed up and God is now punishing you for it. You are not Michael" "You don't deserve that name. We need to give you a new one. --it's a sin for you to have it" Their words were not the only form of abuse he received. His father thought that if he lashed his child it would some how 'cure' him.

All of the heavy words took a toll on poor Icarus. He couldn't go to his family about any problems he had. In his teenage years he struggled even more with what little faith he had. His parents started to call him Cal, which only broke his heart even more. It grew even harder when he realized that the guys he was hanging around with were far more attractive than they should be to him. Bothered by all that was going on he turned to self harm and drinking.

His spiraling story continued for years. He had been thrown in an out of jail for years for being a drug user or drug dealer. Icarus didn't care to protect himself from the law. Every time he was incarcerated he'd see his parents once before and once after. It was great to see they somewhat cared.

The boys excessive gambling with the law finally landed him in a state prison. There he realized that he no longer wanted to live in the shadows of a great Angel. In in cell the inmate read a book to past time, the thick book read Greek Myths on the side. He turned the page and saw his name. Icarus, a boy who flew too close to the sun and fell into the ocean because his wings melted. It struck a similar chord with him for he felt that God was the sun. God smite him for being too close. He knew he wasn't Michael and he never was. The ocean he fell into was his sins. Icarus needed to float and swim to the shore, from that day he swore to himself had be a better man.

Once released Icarus picked up anything he came by. Living by the land and strangers he come to know random trades such as playing the fiddle or ukulele. Unfortunately his good run didn't last that long. He was incarcerated for a job he had done years ago, but never did the time for. Going back the first year was hard. Icarus tried not to 'sin' anymore, but he couldn't help it. A dazzling young man caught his eye and he fell for him. Their passionate relationship didn't last long for a man named Harvey visited him in jail. He offered to let him be free and Icarus took it.  

Height: 5" 7'
Face shape: Heart
Scarring: Lashes on his back
Tattoos: he's replused by the idea of tattoos, therefore doesn't have any