Sun's Comments

If this character is still available I can offer characters or art! I can do 2 detailed fullbodies and a headshot (examples): And I also have some gatorstooth designs I can swap as well!

Hello, I would trade them for the 2 fullbodies and the headshot. When would your deadline for the art be? Is there any species/thing you are uncomfortable drawing? Are you okay with NSFW reference sheets being sent to you? (If not I'll censor them) Thanks ^^

Awesome! It would at most take me 3-4 days (My power just went out because of storms so if it isn't back on by morning it'll probably be longer but I'll for sure let you know!) I'm completely fine with nsfw refs and I don't really care about species! I'm down to draw anything!

Sorry to message again but my power is still off, however I have a generator so luckily my drawing deadline should still be 3-4 days max!

All good! I've been super busy over here XD Here are some characters your are welcome to pick from,

You are completely fine! I’m thinking about doing the full bodies for D’Angelo and Serena and the headshot for Iliana if that’s cool? If so, you do have any particular poses or expressions for any of them? Also would you want D’Angelo drawn with top surgery scars?

11 Replies

I can offer a few halfbodies or/and headshots for this guy (examples at

Thank you for offering, I think I'm looking for a different style!

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Thank you for the offer on Danger but I am looking for something else for them.

When can you have them done by? Is there anything you are stronger at drawing species wise?

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something of my th interests you for him?

Hey, what Are you looking for? 

I'm looking for characters or art. :)

Hmm anything in My th interest you? And for art what kind of art and of whom? 

I didn't see anything I connected with but as for art. I am looking for art of one of these characters,

I could definetly offer a fullbody art of Giradra? But is there any specific time you would need it? Because My dad is getting a surgery the 27th of sep.(its a pretty serious one) and mentally i dont know how quickly i can do art. 

All good,I'll think on your offer and get back to you.

1 Replies

Hiya! I can offer a headshot, a half body, a full body and a custom! Or if you can't think of anything for the custom feel free to choose another of what I've listed! 

Here are my examples:

For everything listed I'd take just under a week and send lots of wips ^^