Merry Mutt: Reindeer



4 years, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info


Merry Mutt


Femme or Androgyne


Sale price: $30 USD.

Merry Mutts are an open species by Rotsuoy. The only requirement to make a Merry Mutt is that it must be canine and holiday themed. If you have a holiday themed canine and you want to call it a Merry Mutt and use the Merry Mutt lore, you are more than welcome!

A Merry Mutt is born every time someone gives a gift or shares an act of kindness. They are made of stardust and laughter. They usually appear at the end of Halloween and can be found all around the holiday season. Merry Mutts typically have bright colored eyes a cheerful disposition. Their fur is soft like downy feathers and they have a strong fragrance related to what they're themed after. If a Merry Mutt is colored like a warm fireplace they may smell like a burning log. If a Merry Mutt has fur reminiscent of a fir tree, they will be pine scented. Being made of stardust they have no blood to speak of. If a Merry Mutt is injured the wound simply glistens like fresh snow. They don't need to eat or even sleep, but they often do so out of comfort. Some even enjoy very long naps curled up someplace warm.