Zayn Wolf AKA Dr. Arrith Almog



4 years, 6 months ago


 Dr. Arrith Almog, born Zayn Wolf in Waynesboro Georgia was a robotic engineer. His inventions aided the US military in a gruesome and bloody war. However, the military was not fighting in order to protect, they were doing it out of greed, to acquire money and resources from a prospering country, in order to remain the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world. 

Dr. Almog lost his lower body in a tragic car crash as a result of a stray cat running across the road. He swerved out of the way so he wouldn’t hit it, crashed into the car in the other lane, and proceed to flip into the ditch. His car was totaled, there was nothing he could do to ever fix it, his entire body was covered in glass from the windshield and he had to amputate his lower body. It was a miracle he survived. He believes he did die for a few hours, and that his soul traveled to the underworld. He made contact with hideous monsters and learned to summon them at his will. However, the biggest loss of all was his daughter in the back seat. She didn't make it out alive. Now Matthew hates cats and everything to do with them with a burning passion.

While he was dead, and because of the awful things he helped the US military do, he spent what seemed like an eternity in hell. He made a deal with the devil. Dr. Almog could summon and control the weaker and lesser demons of hell in return for a sacrifice of his works. Why would the king of hell need robots? He didn't care. He'd do anything for a chance of getting his daughter back, but seeing as how she was in heaven, the devil couldn't help him with that. 

After years of research, he found a way to replace what he had lost. Not his daughter, but his body. Using the technology he created, he gave himself a frightening set of robotic spider legs. He uses his appearance to intimidate others, taking whatever he can, along with selling some of his inventions, in order to discover a way to use what he creates as a way to get his daughter back. She seems to be the only thing he cares about.

Along the way of his robbery and fear-mongering, a superhero arose to put an end to his reign of terror. He hates her for two reasons. The first was that her sidekicks were all cats, she seemed to be able to control them in some way like he could the demons of hell. The second? She reminded him of his daughter.

His favorite quote is, "I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.” - Claude Shannon