


4 years, 7 months ago


Chalcedony's wife !!

Gem makers, there mean right? Not in this case, Rhodonite here worked a project to permanently fuse Gems together. As it was here job she only was able to work with the gems that have yet to live yet. She one day turned on her people and was arrested for trying to rebuild a... well criminal.

She later got another person to finish the Gem, after she was taken away the Gem's new owner was unknown. The new owner had far less experience in gem formations, he tried his best but was hardly able to find a way to make the gem function. Sadly seeing that he was never told of what he was dealing with the Gem turned out highly defective. As any other highly defective Gem, they needed to break them down and remake them properly. The new owner found the Gem to hold a place in his heart and was unable to let them take it away.