Mochi Yuru



4 years, 6 months ago


  • Name: Mochi Yuru
  • Age: 16
  • Female
  • Species: Japanese Hare
  • Favorite Anime: "You've probably never heard of it!"
Mochi's a student at Hors O'doeurves Academy with a bubbly personality. When she's not bored out of her mind in class, she'll probably be in her dorm room watching anime, hanging with her friend, Shio.  She procrastinates a lot and is kinda scatterbrained/carefree about most things, but she usually manages to get stuff done at the last minute. Somehow, most of those last minute assignments are done extremely well within the literal hours she does them in.

She's a night owl through and through, and it shows in her somewhat dubious attendance record, showing up late to her classes or sometimes not at all from how little sleep she gets at night sometimes. and on the occasions she does make it to class, its preeetty clear that she got like, 2 hours to about 30 minutes of sleep with how unkept, tired, and apathetic she looks and acts compared to her normal bubbly self.