Spirit "flo" Valkyria



7 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Spirit "Flo" Valkyria of the Black Flowers


18 turning to 19


Outcast - irregular


as far away from pure blooded u can go


Human & Drapie ( the worst thing u could ever do )


Half Royalty, His mother is pure blooded but a scandalous romance led to him


He made a group called the Black Flowers, much to everyone's embarrassment. It's really just him and a few others, they haven't done anything on a big scale


Hanging out with his mom, skateboarding, loitering in alleyways, socializing, SASHIMI, HUMAN FASHION!


Crowds, Out in the open, Daylight, being half human, clothes not his size so he has to get them made for him


Walking around in alleys suspiciously, Pretending to be part of his or other people's shadows, pretending to act like stereotypical pure blooded drapies

Special Trait

"Street Smarts" - He knows the alleyway mazes like the back of his marks! A 6th sense to find the opening in small areas


Flicking his long tail at other people's faces, or just flicking it against them


Spirit is a hybrid mutated species between a human and a drapie. Outcasted from being half human, he hangs on the lowest social ladder... suspiciously comfortably so.

im tired right now so i will refine this later but

he lives in kind of comfort, destroyedish buildings filled with things to make him live in comfort brought from his mom or things he found himself, the destroyish buildings are from drapies and humans fighting

mom had an affair with an human, said human ran away before she gave birth and when she was raising him he almost got assisinated/killed or was heavily oppressed, causing him to run away and live in isolation from drapies. He also noticed he was hurting his familys status.

After a fear months later she finally found him in the alleyways and was like wtf and brings him stuff and things and wants him to come back home but hes like i cant!! 

the black flowers is a clan or group he made with his mom and calls his mom the black flower even though she tells him not to lol it was originally meant to be some low key rebellion on the heirachy system but they dont do anything