Abby jonson



4 years, 6 months ago


Abby jonson is a host of the emotion of anger.

Pronouns- she/her

Sexuality- pan

Dating- dan

Age-23, birthday- 2/14

Twin to alex jonson

She is feisty and loves her boyfriend dearly.

When she and her brother were born, her parents wanted alex not her, so they were planned on giving her up. A nurse "accidentally" swapped them and she went to live with her parents. As they raised her they held her to a strict standard, she had to be perfect if she wasnt she got punished. They hated that they got stuck with a daughter and saw it as a dishonorable to have to raise her. Everytime she had a friend her parents would threaten the childs parents until the child stopped being friends with her. She was home schooled starting at the age of 8 because she told a teacher she slept in the basement. Nothing was done because her family was deemed as perfect. Her parents made her do more chores as she got older. Her father would always say how her eyes were his favorite feature of hers. As she got older the worse they got. Until on her 15th birthday something inside of her snapped. All that she remembers is her father slapping her across the face then next thing she knows shes standing in a pool of blood and a boy is shaking her telling her they had to go. She remembers wondering why the boy had the same eyes she did. She went with him that day and she shed her old self and began anew.

That day she learned she has a twin brother and he had a entity in him that brought him to her, and she has one too. Thats what made her do what she did.

When she was 16 a boyfriend of hers tried to kill her, he stabbed her above the heart, severing the aorta valves. Having an already weakened heart made it hard for anger to heal her before she bled out. Anger fused their souls together as to support abbys weakened heart. Abby and anger cannot ever be separated, if they were abby would die and anger would go onto the next host.