


4 years, 5 months ago


  • PROGRAMMED AGE Early 30s
  • D.O.B December 10
  • GENDER Male
  • PRONOUNS He/him
  • HEIGHT 5'6"ft
  • ORIENTATION Pansexual
  • ETHNICITY Russian
  • Status Single
  • Code by Aurorean (edited)


"I'm flowing with an electricity. The night is filled with thoughts of you.
As we move closer to each other eagerly. You know I cannot wait to rendezvous"

  • Occupation Mercenary
  • Species Robot

Wright was a former military bot that went rogue due to the corrupted aways of the organization. It was a facility that created engineered children to be raised and trained as soldiers. He was created for the purpose of training them alongside his partner, Dr.Mikhail Volkov, one of the top scientists.

Whom he would help later down the line to help smuggle out one of the children that came from his late daughter. While he would have reported this to their higher ups, he was freed from his original programming and granted freedom if he took the kid with him. So he escaped with his grandson and never looked back.

The organization has put out a bounty for his head and the retrieval of the kid. So over the years, he changed his whole appearance and took on a new persona; Wright, the father-... guardian... uncle figure to a young boy during the day. And a vigilante mercenary during the night.

It went on like this until the little scamp was old enough to go start his own life. Finally leaving Wright to his own devices and do whatever he wanted.

Right off the bat, Wright gives out an outspoken and lively air around him. He’s quite animated with his body language and how he speaks. The bot is rather patient, not easily fazed by much and tolerates just about everything tossed his way, even makes light of it too. Occasionally when he's in the mood, he can be playful and flirty with others.

While he is a patient individual, Wright can be very petty and hold a nasty grudge if pushed too far. He’s not against using cheap tactics and fighting dirty to get the upper hand. It isn't hard to tell he only looks out for himself either. He often only does or says things for others if it benefits him or if it amuses him in some way. If you’re not holding him back in any way, he is quite pleasant to be around.

Despite his gregarious nature, he's pretty private about his personal life and plans. He likes to keep a cool head in difficult situations and assess how to effectively deal with it. Usually how efficiently or discreetly he can do things.This indifference works well for getting things done, but at same time it causes problems with his relationships and teamwork.


  • Enjoys wearing oversized jackets, but heavily dislikes other clothing.
  • He was modded with two abilities while in the military: a chip with cloaking technology to renders him invisible for a hour max (along with his weapons if he modified them) and ability to stick to metallic surfaces to scale buildings... or stick onto other robots.
  • Pretty crafty with guns and often spends a lot of time doing maintenace or modifying them.
  • Able to speak russian, a bit of french, and sign language.
  • Face screen is detachable. He likes swapping out different designs for any special occasions. He has a love hate relationship with his own face.
  • Practically glued to his phone, can't live without it.


  • Maintenance checks, the good ol' TLC
  • People watching, especially just loves watching other people's drama
  • Romcoms and trashy romance novels
  • Gossip


  • Being compared to a domestic service robot
  • Getting involved in other's drama
  • Being in the spotlight
  • Having to do his own body maintenace







