


4 years, 6 months ago


NAME: DunkinAGE: 8 years
BREED: Caucasian ShepherdBIRTHDAY: January 8
GENDER: Male // he/himHEIGHT: 34 inches // Above average



He may seem like a jerk due to his blunt and somewhat uncaring attitude but he is actually a rather sweet dog who deeply cares for those that he trusts. 

Willing to fight off any dog that he sees as a threat, he can be somewhat stubborn but it is mostly due to him wanting to protect the dogs, or even animals, that he sees as his pups.


-Background story-

Prised as a show dog, his life was that of luxury as a pup though it had always felt off to him to be put up on display like a puppet.
He had acted out much as a pup and it had bit to the dismay of his owners at time given that he would fight other dogs who had tried to intimidate the brute he was.
These fights had lead to various scars that disqualified from being the perfect show dog he was bred for, though it did not help he had always been a notorious escape artist, constantly getting lost.
Once again escaping from his former home at one point, he had not had anyone look for him and had wandered the streets for over a year, evading animal catchers whose appearances slowly started to come less and less, even him seeing other humans had become lessened.
Not long after, he had been able to over hear radio static that gave into the fact that the world had been ending and that he would be alone.



  • Has a drawstring bag that he carries around mostly just with meat and bones that are in it
  • Cares dearly for Ray
  • Though he is fixed, he wishes that he had pups